I get in trouble for saying it. I suppose it's annoying. "Uh oh. I have The Pizza Sickness." "No you don't. There's no such thing as the pizza sickness. Stop saying that." But it's true. I'm sure there's some logical explanation for it. It probably has a name (besides The Pizza Sickness, that is). Everytime I eat a lot of pizza (actually, everytime I eat pizza I eat a lot of pizza, but anyways), I inevitably end up insanely thirsty. After two (ok, three or four) slice...
My dress came today. Mailed all the way from Hong Kong. I excitedly tore open the brown paper bag it came in with my bare hands. The dress was sealed in a clear plastic bag, and I ripped that one open with my teeth, and then I bounded up the stairs to try the dress on. The dress is beautiful. Very detailed and feminine. It even has little sparkles that manage to dust everything it touches. I stepped into the dress and pulled the top up over my chest. I started zipping the dress ...
For the eleven months that Adrian was deployed, I became accustomed to doing everything around the house by myself. I searched the cabinets to see what we had on hand. I made a menu. I used that menu to create a grocery list. I took the list, and the kids, to the store. I selected the items on my list and maybe two or three impulse items. I kept the little one out of the cash register behind us and the big one from kicking his brother while I placed every single item on the belt...
Dear Elementary School Staff, I am writing this letter to explain the reason for my son's absence from school today. I have kept him home due to a disturbing home accident that took place this morning. At ten til 8, my husband poured himself a bowl of Coca Puffs. He added milk and returned the milk carton to the refrigerator. Because he was in a hurry, he shut the fridge door hard and fast and began to walk to the dining room to eat his cereal. A bottle of Raspberry Pucker was s...
Well, JU is filled with Episode III reviews with all sorts of takes on the content and script and the acting and the message of the film. There's simply nothing more that can be said about Episode III, right? There's no more room for yet another review, is there? Well, if Texas Wahine hasn't covered it, it simply hasn't been covered! This will be a bit random, so try to hang with me... I thought this was by far the best of the prequels. It actually made sense, and it helped me und...
It's been said that becoming fat does not happen overnight. It's a carefully cultivated art that takes place one meal, one snack, one night sacked out on the couch at a time. In today's America, reaching the pinnacle of fatness is easier than ever. In fact, there's actually a fast track to fatness that requires little effort on the part of the eater and provides great success and fleshy abundance in a very small period of time. Now, I'm no skinny little thing. I enjoy fries and Snick...
Victoria's Secret is about boobs, yes? Not strictly boobs, but boob adornment is a large part of what they're about. And yet, when my breasts need Victoria's Secret, VS abandons them. I have large breasts. Not "oh my god!" breasts. "Wow," maybe, but nothing you won't see in a Wal-Mart or Home Depot or Gold's Gym or Red Lobster or Hooters anywhere in America. Breasts like mine are common. So why is it that bra-makers worldwide have conspired to force me and my stacked sisters into u...
As it turns out, I am a Jedi. In fact, I am: NEABR SULEF of the planet Zoloft! Yes, NEABR SULEF of the planet Zoloft ! Great, isn't it? You can find your Jedi name here !
I've always respected the wisdom of people older than myself. Life experience is a great teacher. And life has taught me some lessons of my own. Some things I've learned: You should order your pizza no less than an hour before you plan to be hungry. If you leave a magazine on the porch swing, the puppy will eat it. Permanent marker doesn't come off floors. Two wrongs really don't make a right. The Pop Rocks chemistry set doesn't really change colors and it tastes like ...
Adrian's been home on leave for the past couple of weeks, and we've used the spare time to catch up on some island activities that we missed before he left for the middle east. He has to go back to work on Tuesday, but we've had a great time and made some fantastic memories. On Thursday we had a jam-packed day. We took a submarine tour in the morning, spent mid-day at the mall, and finished up the night with a luau. We were kind of nervous about the sub tour because we didn't know how...
Disclaimer: I am making broad, sweeping generalizations about wealthy people (yeah, mostly women) in this article. Not all wealthy people live or act this way. In general, I think great wealth is a burden. That's right...I don't crave to be rich. Here's why: 1. Your 2 grand hoity toity pure bred dog's dumps aren't any less stinky or easier to pick up than the ungodly ones my $150 mutt makes. Same poop, better price. 2. I don't have to have an expensive new toy in order to ha...
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Tonight Adrian and I went to a 3 Doors Down concert at Pipeline Café in Honolulu. We had a blast. It's been just about two years since our last concert (an outdoor concert...RHCP and Snoop Dogg...pouring rain) and 3DD was a great one to break our concert celibacy. Tickets were sold out for tonight's concert...in fact, 3DD will be having another one in the same place tomorrow night because of the huge response. Pipeline Café is a small venue (smallest I've ever been in for a concert)...
I'm a grown up. I'm responsible for myself. I'm also responsible for two little people. Daily, I find myself doing things that I hate because they need to be done, or because they are the prudent thing to do. I really hate getting up early in the morning. I mean, most normal people don't care for it, either, but my hatred for getting up early (which is anything before 9:30 am) is quite intense. I wait until the last possible moment to get up and get the kids out of bed to get read...
So, I changed out my tongue jewelry today. I decided to go with my green on with the little bomb icon instead of the skull and crossbones. Don't know why. It's just what I felt like. These are not the best pics in the world, but they give you an idea of what it looks like. The little pic that shows the bottom of the piercing is cropped . . . I had my eyes closed in the pic . . . it was an accident, but the photo came out looking like I was in the throes of orgasm or something and I d...