Texas Wahine's Articles In Misc
November 27, 2004 by Texas Wahine
I have no sympathy for the skinny chicks. Anytime anyone talks about, or writes an article about, the need for body acceptance for curvy girls, inevitably a naturally thin chick will pipe up with, "I can't help it if I'm skinny. You guys are always cutting down skinny girls, but I'd be in trouble if I called a big girl a cow." NEWS FLASH SKINNY GIRLS: You have not been persecuted. You are idolized. You see your image on TV, in magazines, in movies, on mannequins, in catalogs, on b...
November 29, 2004 by Texas Wahine
I was pretty sure about this before, but it has been officially confirmed today. I'm not cool. I didn't know what "emo" was, and turns out I think "emo" sucks now that I know what it is. I drive a white minivan. Uncool. I drink diet soda. Uncool. I buy candles (and spend good money on them, too). Uncool. I currently wear only one band t-shirt (as fate would have it, I'm wearing it today). It's from a Sugar Ray concert (which I though was cool, but since I don't know co...
January 6, 2005 by Texas Wahine
Last night in bed my mind did the thing it usually does . . . it raced through all sorts of random thoughts and a review of the day's events. There, laying on my back with my seven year old's knee lodged in my ribs and my Hawaiian print comforter pulled up to my neck, I was hit with the realization of few things . . . I had not cried a single tear that day. Not one. I have cried and cried until my eyes have ached and my body shook. I have cried in the car, at the computer, on the ...
December 31, 2004 by Texas Wahine
Here's my tattoo . . . I am so in love with it. Right now it kind of hurts a little bit, but I'm trying not to be a wuss, ha ha ha. Some day when I'm old and I'm getting a spongebath some nursing home worker is going to think it's really cool.
December 15, 2004 by Texas Wahine
I like to sleep. I hate getting up before 9 am. I love pizza. And pasta with just sauce. I could eat one of those two things for every meal. I like a big tall swirl of whipped cream on top of my hot cocoa. I hate driving. I'm a hypochondriac and something's always wrong with me. I get ear infections all the time. Probably because I love to take bubble baths and the water stays in my ears. I love Ferrero Rocher chocolates. I could play Zoo Tycoon for hours and hour...
December 13, 2004 by Texas Wahine
I have been trying to get my photos in order and into albums, and I came across a few photos that make me laugh or that are completely bizarre . . . and the ones I'm posting here are just the tip of the ice berg. I got lots more. These are just the first few I came across. I'll start by embarrassing the kids -- here's the spiffy haircut my youngest gave himself a while back. This photo belongs in the dictionary beside the word pessimism. Why, dad, why? Here's...
April 17, 2005 by Texas Wahine
Adrian's been home on leave for the past couple of weeks, and we've used the spare time to catch up on some island activities that we missed before he left for the middle east. He has to go back to work on Tuesday, but we've had a great time and made some fantastic memories. On Thursday we had a jam-packed day. We took a submarine tour in the morning, spent mid-day at the mall, and finished up the night with a luau. We were kind of nervous about the sub tour because we didn't know how...
April 6, 2005 by Texas Wahine
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April 6, 2005 by Texas Wahine
Tonight Adrian and I went to a 3 Doors Down concert at Pipeline Café in Honolulu. We had a blast. It's been just about two years since our last concert (an outdoor concert...RHCP and Snoop Dogg...pouring rain) and 3DD was a great one to break our concert celibacy. Tickets were sold out for tonight's concert...in fact, 3DD will be having another one in the same place tomorrow night because of the huge response. Pipeline Café is a small venue (smallest I've ever been in for a concert)...
January 24, 2005 by Texas Wahine
I'm a grown up. I'm responsible for myself. I'm also responsible for two little people. Daily, I find myself doing things that I hate because they need to be done, or because they are the prudent thing to do. I really hate getting up early in the morning. I mean, most normal people don't care for it, either, but my hatred for getting up early (which is anything before 9:30 am) is quite intense. I wait until the last possible moment to get up and get the kids out of bed to get read...
January 18, 2005 by Texas Wahine
So, I changed out my tongue jewelry today. I decided to go with my green on with the little bomb icon instead of the skull and crossbones. Don't know why. It's just what I felt like. These are not the best pics in the world, but they give you an idea of what it looks like. The little pic that shows the bottom of the piercing is cropped . . . I had my eyes closed in the pic . . . it was an accident, but the photo came out looking like I was in the throes of orgasm or something and I d...
January 12, 2005 by Texas Wahine
I'm crying. I can feel myself making the "sad Gizmo" face. I have tears in my eyes, tears on my face . . . my bottom lip keeps popping out. Today I am supposed to clean the battery cables on the car. I had to go all over the base to find club soda to use. Now I have a brush, gloves, club soda, pliers, and a flashlight. I popped open the hood and propped it open with the metal bar. I was crying even before that. I am scared to do this, and so I wanted to do it and be prou...
January 8, 2005 by Texas Wahine
I'm an ass . . . I'll admit it. In fact, it's almost a term of endearment for me (and for those I care about, too . . . you know I like you when I call you an ass). But how do you know if you are an ass? Well, obviously, understanding ass-ness is like trying to tell a rainbow to stop being a rainbow. However, there are some clues . . . some guidelines . . . that can help you determine whether or not you might be an ass. 1. You laugh at the misfortune of others. You hee-ha...
December 29, 2004 by Texas Wahine
It's hard to eat. I'm still learning how to do it without hurting myself. It's really hard to swallow a pill. It doesn't hurt too much, and it's only a little swollen. I kind of like the warm salt water rinses. And it looks so fucking cool. I got my tongue pierced yesterday. I'm so tough I didn't even wince, ha ha. I've got a pink barbell in right now, and when it heals, I'm going to put in a badass barbell with a skull and crossbones on the top. I have a little trouble ...
August 9, 2005 by Texas Wahine
Xavier is a very industrious child and very interested in justice, in our household and elsewhere. Therefore, it only made sense that he would come up with a very detailed discipline chart and request that Adrian and I implement these new rules that he'd worked so hard to reason out. The top of the chart has drawings on him and of his brother, each with five stars (with boxes for check marks above them) that lead to a drawing of a piece of candy labeled "treat." Five instances of go...