The Director of Army Staff has proclaimed that henceforth, in all Army correspondence, the word "family" will be capitalized. From the current ACS/My Army Life Too newsletter: " recognition of the fact that Army Families are a key component of readiness, and shoulder a great burden of sacrifice, supporting their Soldier and often enduring long periods of separation from their loved ones, effective immediately, the word "Families" will be capitalized in all Army correspondence." "So...
Laughing Baby: Surprised Baby: (I don't know how many of you remember details from the first Home Alone movie, but there's this part where Kevin is looking through Buzz's footlocker and he finds a picture of Buzz's girlfriend and says, "Buzz, your girlfriend...WOOF!" Haha, this picture of Izzy reminds me of the pic of Buzz's chubby girlfriend!) Frilly Baby: Curious Baby: Worried Baby: Chillin' Baby: Uh-Oh Baby:
- My Favorite Things - Babylegs. Tide Simple Pleasures Vanilla Lavender detergent and fabric softener. The Baby Book by Dr. William Sears. Swaddle Me blanket by Kiddopotamus. Starbucks Iced Coffee Light. Eva Lillian's "Sexy Nursing Goddess" nursing top. Elle Sexy Nursing Bra with matching breast pads (and matching thong or bikini panties). Bath and Body Works Black Raspberry Vanilla hand sanitizer, hand soap, body cream, a...
Last night I had the brilliant idea that I would make a slide show. I had pictures I wanted to share, and I had seen a couple people post these awesome slide shows that showcased LOTS of pictures. Unfortunately, I'm not as smart as these people I've seen posting these slideshows, and for ALL my effort (I spent a long damn time uploading photos), I ended up posting nothing but impotent code. It was late and I was tired so I decided "screw it" and I just deleted the article.
I just saved a bunch of money...and NOT by switching to Geico! I'm so excited! And it's really sad that this is all it takes to excite me. I got an email from with a promo code for free shipping. This alone is very cool. That's a savings of at least $6 on my order. So, I went to the site and looked at clearance kids clothes (NEVER buy full price GAP kids clothes, ever), but they mostly had winter clothes and the summer clothes they did have are still overpriced. Bummer....
Your love feels like wrapping myself up in a blanket fresh out of the dryer . . . warm and fragrant and comforting. Your love feels like seeing the sweet and excited expression on the kids' faces the moment they realize it's Christmas morning. Your love feels like looking in my McDonald's sack and discovering that they gave me an extra order of fries. Your love feels like reaching into the pocket of an old, worn jacket and finding a twenty dollar bill. Your love feels like rushi...