Last night I had the brilliant idea that I would make a slide show. I had pictures I wanted to share, and I had seen a couple people post these awesome slide shows that showcased LOTS of pictures.
Unfortunately, I'm not as smart as these people I've seen posting these slideshows, and for ALL my effort (I spent a long damn time uploading photos), I ended up posting nothing but impotent code. It was late and I was tired so I decided "screw it" and I just deleted the article.
I still don't have news about my pregnancy test. I went and picked up my medical records, but they hadn't posted the test results yet, so I will wait until I go in for my post-partum check up a week from today. Apparently, though, everything's fine. I think if I were dying of something they would call me.
Isabella is 6 weeks old today. She is such a good little girl. She sleeps most of the night and just wakes up a couple of times to nurse. I don't even have to work at getting her to bed. Whenever I'm ready, I just take her upstairs and put her in bed with me. We both go to sleep. Simple as that.
She always wakes up in such a great mood. She smiles and even laughs at me. I've started calling her "sunshine" because she's so sweet and happy (although capturing that on camera has turned out to be almost impossible!).
The boys are STILL not back in school yet. Not until next week. They are driving me nuts because whether they are fighting or playing, it's always LOUD. They got their hair cut yesterday, and they have decided they want to have mohawks that go all the way down the back of their heads. That's what I get for letting them watch Wife Swap.
Yesterday I got a pedicure for the first time in nearly 2 months. I got my eyebrows waxed for the first time ever, too. I was hesitant because I don't have a lot of eyebrows and I didn't want to end up looking like a weirdo. But the girl did a good job. It barely hurt, and I don't have that little fuzzy monobrow-lite anymore. I hope I can keep going back to have that done.
I realized yesterday that if I wanted to really stay well-groomed and woman-ish, it would take A LOT of time and money. Did you know some women have their arms waxed? I didn't even realize that was an area that needed attention. I do have some fugly arms, though. Very freckle-y and my arm hair is black. Yuck.
I am now 29 lbs. under my delivery weight and 17 lbs. under my pre-pregnancy weight. I still have plenty more to go to get to my goal, but I'm fitting in pants I haven't been able to wear in so long, and that feels pretty good. I never thought I'd be happy to be wearing a size 12, hahaha, but I totally am.
I'm working out most everyday now. I bought a TON of workout videos and a balance ball and some other exercise goodies. I do short 10-20 minute workouts since I'm never guaranteed a full 30 - 60 min. of continuous "me time". My favorite so far is Carmen Electra's Fit to Strip. That DVD is kicking my ass. And I'm not even to the cool stripping part yet.
If I weren't such a pig, all the exercise and breastfeeding would be melting the pounds away. Unfortunately, I've never met a brownie I didn't like.
All that to say...hey, I'm posting some pictures. Hahaha.
1. Doesn't she look JUST LIKE THE ROCK in this picture? Can you smmmmeeeellll what Isabella is cookin'?
2. She looks pretty concerned about global warming in this one.
3. Terrible photo quality, but here she is with her big 'ol grin.
4. There's this spot on the wall that she can't help but stare at.
5. It's pretty sad when you have fat rolls on your forearms.
6. What do you mean, you don't carry Evian?
7. I finally figured out how to get rid of my double chin: take a photo from above. (BTW, this is PRE-eyebrow grooming)
8. Merry Christmas, the house is trashed!
9. Despite what it looks like, Cub Scouts does NOT meet in someone's basement.
10. I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.
11. I wish I could have taken those home with me!