What insane woman would take two boys and a baby girl camping all by herself? What insane woman would forget toothbrushes, Cub Scout handbooks, and chairs? What insane woman would try to fit a partially inflated full size mattress, a suitcase, a cooler, a duffel bag, a mini swing, a backpack, 3 pillows, one 9 year old, one 6 year old, one 4.999999 month old, and one XL 28 year old in a small $30 tent? What insane woman would come Saturday afternoon instead of Sunday morni...
Orian (kind of) stayed home from school today since he is not well and possibly contagious (got sent home sick from school yesterday for harfing green stuff up into his hand...ewww), although he acts like he feels perfectly fine. I wanted to get a haircut since I hadn't had one since well before Izzy was born, and I needed to go to Wal-Mart for various items which I had carefully written down in green marker on a stolen piece of notebook paper. Orian had been playing a video game wh...
Orian is a funny little guy. He has very picky tastes, but he loves food. SPAM is one of his favorites. I realize it's completely unhealthy, but he loves it and it's a Hawaiian staple. SPAM is meant to be sliced and pan-fried, so that's what I do with it (left-overs are good diced and thrown in with some rice and an egg for poor man's fried rice). So my little guy had his SPAM and then in the midst of his snack, came into the living room to inform me that he had a ...
I'm finding myself so very easily annoyed. Even with people I typically like, but *very* annoyed with those I don't. It's like I'm in a bad mood and it just won't go away. I don't like being patronized. Being encouraged pisses me off. I am so freaking jealous of people with simple problems like 5 lbs to lose or a husband who does a poor job of diapering the baby. I realize everyone has a right to complain and further that just because someone goes through something ...
I am in such a bad mood today. I'm not really sure why. It could be that all my hair is falling out. It could be that my 6 year old's leg problem is not resolving and I have no idea what's causing it. It could be that my house is never clean. Or that I walk around like a zombie because I'm so tired. Maybe because my husband has been gone for 7 and a half months, and he'll be gone for 7 and a half more and just when it seemed like the end was in sight the end got moved ...
Ok, this is starting to get ridiculous. Of course all these things happen while Adrian is away. I remember the unholy nosebleeds of '05. Orian has been complaining about leg pain for about a week. He complains about it constantly, especially before and after school. However, I had noticed that he sometimes didn't seem bothered, so I wondered if it was just attention-seeking behavior. This morning I woke him up and then took Izzy downstairs to get her lotion and diaper and clothes on...
Just a heads up (in case anyone even notices, haha) that I will likely not be on for a while after today. It's my birthday so I am getting my hair cut, nails done, and eyebrows waxed so I can start looking like a human being again, haha. This is my last day with internet at this house. Our stuff gets packed up and shipped out tomorrow and then at the end of the week we'll clear housing and stay in a hotel on base for a few nights (we've also secured a room for one night at the beautiful Hale ...
I intended to set up an appointment to have our Explorer shipped to Texas. Move day is less than a month away, and there are lots of things that need to be done. I went to the website Adrian told me to go to, but something seemed off: I was only off by one letter, but wow! It's amazing the services you can find on a vehicle shipment website. Haha.
I am sleeeeeeeepy! We were up until 2 am last night, baking, cleaning, helping Santa. Our Christmas has been great. A lot more low-key this year, but it seems like when there's too many presents and toys, the kids appreciate them and play with them less. Last night, on Christmas Eve, I went to the mailbox to find a package from one of my friends in California. She has started making stuffed animals called "Crazy Curious Creatures" and they are the most adorable things ever. She makes a...
Ok, I'm not a "super lady"...that was a Simpsons quote. If you haven't seen their 10th wedding anniversary episode, you should do that right away. After you finish reading this, of course. Yesterday marked 10 years since the day Adrian and I married. So much has changed since then, but we still love each other still want to be married (to each other, haha) so I guess our first decade together is worth celebrating. Adrian took the boys to school and woke me by sticking a dozen roses in m...
Our last Christmas in Hawaii. We fly out at the end of January. Back to Texas. I'm sad but also excited. Texas is home to us. And all our family is there. I am nervous about the move and how things will be at Adrian's new duty station. I am nervous about getting housing and about getting all our stuff shipped. What our budget will be like. What Adrian's work will be like. I have a million questions that can't be answered until we get there. I am supposed to be working on a gara...
It's 1:33 am and I have most of my baking for tomorrow finished. All that's left is to put things in the oven tomorrow before the meal (and make mashed potatoes). Adrian's doing the turkey and I am glad to let him have it. Basically his treatment of the turkey consists of molesting it with butter. I am so happy to have my family together for Thanksgiving. Even though Adrian has had to be gone a lot, somehow he is always home for Thanksgiving (he was on mid-tour leave last year since I was...
He wouldn't do a maternity top and he complained the whole time I did his make-up ("It hurts!"), but he sure makes one slutty-looking woman! Haha. Isabella was a peacock: Let's see if I can get him to dress up again for the costume party on Friday! PS - Only on a military base can a man take his kids trick-or-treating and come home with a beer. Yes, someone gave him a beer to take home. Haha.
Apparently slideshows are now "my thing"... We have been having a lot of fun since Adrian came home. Everything has fallen back into place. Isabella loves her daddy and calls him "da-da" or "daddy" but I am still the favorite. Correction, my BOOBS are still the favorite. Izzy now has one tooth out and three (!!!) more in the process of breaking through. She didn't wait for daddy on most of her first year milestones, but he WAS the first to feel a toothie! R...