It's 1:33 am and I have most of my baking for tomorrow finished. All that's left is to put things in the oven tomorrow before the meal (and make mashed potatoes). Adrian's doing the turkey and I am glad to let him have it. Basically his treatment of the turkey consists of molesting it with butter.

I am so happy to have my family together for Thanksgiving. Even though Adrian has had to be gone a lot, somehow he is always home for Thanksgiving (he was on mid-tour leave last year since I was due with Isabella the day after Thanksgiving). The one year he was not able to home we had the WORST. THANKSGIVING. EVER.

Today I made the kids' Thanksgiving t-shirts. Every year they have a shirt with their handprint as a turkey on the front and a list of things they are thankful for that year on the back. This is Izzy's first. It is always neat to see the things that matter to them and I keep the shirts so I can see the changes in their hand size and how their likes/priorities change.

Isabella is thankful for me-mes (milk), Mama, Da, Bubbas, Baby Cheese Puffs, Dancing, TV remotes, XBOX 360 controllers, duckies...(and other stuff I can't remember right now). Orian is thankful for Momma and Daddy, Xavier and Isabella, food, the house, toys, watermelon, and Life (and other things I can't remember right now). Xavier is thankful for Mom, Dad, Isabella, skulls, rock, video games, the metric system, farts, burps, and coffee (and other things I can't remember right now). Sigh.

Tomorrow one of Adrian's Soldiers/friends is coming over for dinner. We are going to have the meal in the afternoon which suits me since I like to sleep in.

Adrian's friend's family is on the mainland and he hasn't seen them since he left for Iraq. I can't imagine how much that must suck, to be back but not get to be with your family.

We are having Hawaiian sweet rolls, Macadamia Nut Cheese Ball, Green Bean Casserole, Homemade Mac and Cheese, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Truffle Torte, Turkey and Stuffing. And probably other stuff I can't remember right now.

Adrian's friend is bringing vodka and ginger ale. Haha.

Next year we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving in Texas with our extended family. And Isabella will be days away from two years old. Time just flies by.

Happy Thanksgiving!
on Nov 22, 2007
I'd love to see their shirts.

PS I'm thankful for you and your blog!
on Nov 22, 2007
Kids are embarrassing in so many ways, but so delightful too.  Just the wild eyed innocence is enough to entertain for quite a while (until they grow into teenagers and become disrespectful little know-it-alls )
on Nov 22, 2007
farts, burps,

Xavier rocks.

That's all I have to say, except for -

on Nov 22, 2007
the metric system?! hahaha.
Have a great time and good eats!
on Nov 22, 2007
Thanks Sabrina. The feeling is mutual!

LH: I will definitely post pics. I am not talented with things like that the way you are, but I love that it's a tradition we have.

I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful. You guys' deployment is winding down, isn't it?

terp: Haha. So true! And my oldest is already starting to morph into a teenager!

SC: He is a really cool, interesting little guy. His sense of humor is top-notch. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Nicky: That was my response too! LOL.

I am so excited about eating. I can't wait!
on Nov 23, 2007
Wow, your food list has just made me really hungry

I do hope you and yours have a wonderful, relaxed, fun, laughing day. Best wishes to all of you from both of us here.

Gobble, gobble...
on Nov 23, 2007
Sorry I missed it on the day of, but hope you had one of the greatest eat the bird days in the history of bird eating.!!!!
on Nov 24, 2007
It is great that you all together...have a good one.
on Nov 26, 2007
Yeah....the countdown is *hopefully* less than all our fingers and toes.....