I am sleeeeeeeepy!
We were up until 2 am last night, baking, cleaning, helping Santa. Our Christmas has been great. A lot more low-key this year, but it seems like when there's too many presents and toys, the kids appreciate them and play with them less.
Last night, on Christmas Eve, I went to the mailbox to find a package from one of my friends in California. She has started making stuffed animals called "Crazy Curious Creatures" and they are the most adorable things ever. She makes all sorts and for Isabella I ordered a Punk Rock Bunny. I was so thrilled with it...I knew it would be cute, but it is just amazing and perfect. Izzy LOVES it! I know it's impossible, but I swear (and I wasn't the only one who heard it) she said, "It's a good bunny". She doesn't talk that much and sentences are not really within the realm of possibility for a just-turned-one-year-old, but let me have my delusions. Hehe.

Here's the fruit of my labor...notice the marzipan snowmen. They are not all that impressive looking but they took a lot of work!

Santa's left some goodies:

The boys had fun digging through their stockings. One of Orian's favorite items was the Pirate-themed sleeve tattoo. Very cool.
Isabella's first stocking that she was old enough to remotely be aware of:
It took her a while to really get the unwrapping presents thing down, although she was delighted to discover that if she hit a gift really hard, it would fall over and the wrapping paper would tear!
Xavier was excited to get a UBFunkey starter kit from his grandma. He has had UBFunkeys for several months now, but his original starter kit never worked, so he is psyched to get to get all those little Funkeys online instead of just carrying them around in his pockets and making up stories about them.
Orian loves his Naruto sword. The kid has probably a dozen different swords from Star Wars to Pirates of the Caribbean to Naruto to LOTR, and those things get lots of play.
Daddy likes to play with swords too!
Isabella loved the kissing baby and blanket Grandma sent her.
It wasn't long after all the presents had been opened that Isabella was OUT!
And some Christmas-related photos:
Bathtime. Ok, that's not Christmas-related, but it's still cute.
We didn't get around to getting photos taken with Santa, but Izzy still "saw" him!
Funny and appropriate captioning. (Please ignore the dirty TV. We have little hands all over everything and no, I don't dust as often as I should!)
Isabella LOVED...LOVED!! Sabrina and Simon's Christmas card with the piggy on front! She carried it around for an hour!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Thanks to everyone who sent cards and well wishes and thanks to Grandma for the Christmas jammies, too!