Texas Wahine's Articles In Blogging » Page 5
April 23, 2008 by Texas Wahine
I was thisclose to an Acute Care Clinic visit today. It all started with the inkling for egg salad sandwiches.  I looked up a recipe online, and it sounded good to me.  Adrian had never had it, and it sounded good to him too. I boiled some eggs and let them cool.  As I began to peel the first one I noticed the inside still seemed gooey and runny.  Not good.  I am not particularly skilled with boiling eggs, which seems like it should be one of the easiest cooking ...
April 23, 2008 by Texas Wahine
Petition:   As we all know, JU is the red-headed step-child (sorry ParaTed!) of Stardock.  It is a money-hungry bastard child that exists on the goodwill of the site owner.   As we also all know, if a JU article is accidentally cross-posted to WC, the hapless JUer is accosted by angry/annoyed WCers.  JUers generally take great pains to avoid accidentally posting an article to WC because the backlash is so notorious.   However, with the new and improved ...
April 22, 2008 by Texas Wahine
Many "candidates" have listed lame qualifications and attempted to promote themselves the only reasonable choice, but I have found them all lacking. Instead of backing someone from Not-America or someone who takes his name from PANTIES, America should get behind a candidate with the background and leadership abilities necessary to navigate American policy and security in these dangerous times. My toddler, Isabella, is just such a candidate.  She has a tireless work ethic, and r...
April 21, 2008 by Texas Wahine
My boys have become very self-sufficient in the mornings.  I remember struggling with belts and tucking in and accessories in our Cub Scout days.  Now they wake up and put on their slacks and polos and take care of hygeine stuff.  They come downstairs and grab their belts, shoes, and backpacks from the mud room and are neatly dressed and ready for breakfast.  This morning was typical.  Dressed and ready to go without any mom interference.  As I was about t...
March 31, 2008 by Texas Wahine
When we were living in on-post housing in Hawaii we never had to worry about our energy costs.  We weren't particularly wasteful, but since utility costs were considered part of our rent, we didn't have to be nearly as conscientious.  I got our first electricity bill today, and it was not great.  For a period of about 2 weeks our charge was $87 (after fees, but before the connection fee).  We used 647 kilowatt hours in that period of 2 weeks.  I have been readi...
March 17, 2008 by Texas Wahine
HOMEOWNERS!!! We checked out of the terrible, smelly HOJO we were staying in Thursday morning and wasted some time until we could pick the boys up from school and then go to the closing.  We signed all the paperwork and prepared to move into our first home.  Woohoo!   Not so fast!   The house we've bought is a VA Repo, so we got a great deal on it.  It has a few issues, but nothing major, and MOSTLY just cleaning with a tad bit of repairs here and there....
March 8, 2008 by Texas Wahine
I am fat.  I'm a fat chick.   While impressive lies will get you far in life, I am more comfortable with the unflattering truth.  My life has been filled with the lies of others, but for some reason honesty has always felt more like home to me.  This is a disadvantage, obviously, since I am not adored by hordes of people, but I am not able to shape a lie into something that seems reasonable and plausible, although I can exaggerate for entertainment's sake. One of my ...
March 7, 2008 by Texas Wahine
I just checked a friend's MySpace; she had added a couple new pics of her kids.  One was of her little ones at Kole Kole pass with the Koolau mountains behind them. The second was taken at a luau.  The kids were smiling and posing beside a hula girl and a big Hawaiian guy.    I miss Hawaii.  It hurts being so far away from such beauty.  I didn't expect to feel this way. 
February 16, 2008 by Texas Wahine
Today was our day to get things hammered out on the house deal. Exciting day. Adrian and the boys woke up early and grabbed some hotel Continental Breakfast while Isabella and I slept. Adrian came back with a plate for me...a lone waffle...they were out of bacon. That was my first clue today was going to be a BAAAAAAD day. Around 10 am we got a phone call from the front desk letting us know our vehicle had been broken into. Adrian ran outside to survey the damage. It was a smash and g...
February 16, 2008 by Texas Wahine
After having a fruitless search for a decent rental within out budget, we have decided to take a HUGE, HUGE step and buy a home. The process has been exhausting and I am never quite sure if we are making the right decisions, but the idea of having my very own home is incredibly exciting. I have learned that realtors can be complete and total douchebags who are more interested in nepotismic (ha, I made a word) pocket-lining than looking out for their clients' best interest. We spent yesterda...
February 13, 2008 by Texas Wahine
We have been back in Texas for close to two weeks now, and I dream about Hawaii every night. I miss it and being back home is bittersweet but I realized the other day that it's not like I really truly can never go back. In Hawaii there was never any parking and everything was crowded. Crazy crowded. Drives were short in distance, but long on time due to constant traffic congestion. Back in Texas, everything is wide open, which feels great. There's plenty of parking and most places aren't...
February 6, 2008 by Texas Wahine
My new tat: I've waited a long time for this one and I am in LOVE with it! Two blues for Xavier and Orian and pink for little miss Izzy.
February 2, 2008 by Texas Wahine
Here we are in Texas again. The flight from Honolulu to Dallas was TORTURE, but overall we've had a great time. Most of the stress of moving is behind us (for now!), and we are just enjoying the company of family. Here are a few pics of the journey:
January 29, 2008 by Texas Wahine
Last night in Hawaii. We cleared housing on Friday and made it out with only $70 in charges (an old mini-blind in the upstairs bathroom had a string that broke out of the blue...we actually had a maintenance order to have it replaced but they never fixed it...when I called again about it they said, "you're clearing...don't worry about it...it's normal wear and tear", haha...and we had trash in our trashcan...we tried to avoid that couldn't). Adrian spent several hours painting over the vario...
January 21, 2008 by Texas Wahine
Just a heads up (in case anyone even notices, haha) that I will likely not be on for a while after today. It's my birthday so I am getting my hair cut, nails done, and eyebrows waxed so I can start looking like a human being again, haha. This is my last day with internet at this house. Our stuff gets packed up and shipped out tomorrow and then at the end of the week we'll clear housing and stay in a hotel on base for a few nights (we've also secured a room for one night at the beautiful Hale ...