Last night in Hawaii.
We cleared housing on Friday and made it out with only $70 in charges (an old mini-blind in the upstairs bathroom had a string that broke out of the blue...we actually had a maintenance order to have it replaced but they never fixed it...when I called again about it they said, "you're clearing...don't worry about's normal wear and tear", haha...and we had trash in our trashcan...we tried to avoid that couldn't). Adrian spent several hours painting over the various walls I had painted over the years (goldenrod color on one wall in the bedroom, yellow (with bright striped wall border) in the kids' bathroom, video game characters in Xavier's room, hunter green on one wall in the living room, pink in Isabella's room, and a brighter shade of hunter green on one wall in the dining room...that's a lot of freaking painting. He was stressed and thought he'd never get it all covered in primer. I called housing to find out how solid the application of primer had to be and turns painting was necessary. We could leave it as is. Ha.
We cleared and crammed the SUV full of luggage, some stuck on top too, and checked into the Schofield Inn. It was very underwhelming for nearly $150 a night, but it was somewhere to sleep.
We have been doing as much running around as we can manage with all the tasks that have to be completed. It's a weird feeling not having a place to go home to.
Today was a hectic day. We had to check out of the hotel by noon so Adrian did some administrative stuff in the morning, then the kids and I went to the PX to get haircuts and mail some stuff we couldn't fit in the luggage while Adrian finished clearing. We were in between hotels with Schofield check out at noon and check in at the Hale Koa not until 3 pm.
We got to the HK just in time to go to their twice weekly luau, which was pretty lucky. We didn't know about it or plan to go, but we scrambled and got everyone dressed in a matter of minutes and hustled down the the luau garden. It was expensive, but I'm glad we went. I didn't really want to, but since it was my last luau ever (probably), I got on stage for the hula. I am so uncoordinated I felt like a real tard but it was funny.
Tomorrow is another crazy day with weird scheduling issues and no place to go from time A to time B, but I know all this transition will soon be over. Ha, and my laundry got locked in the laundry room tonight.

Next time you guys hear from me I'll probably be in TEXAS. Once and for all. I am sad and excited and SLEEPY!