Orian (kind of) stayed home from school today since he is not well and possibly contagious (got sent home sick from school yesterday for harfing green stuff up into his hand...ewww), although he acts like he feels perfectly fine.
I wanted to get a haircut since I hadn't had one since well before Izzy was born, and I needed to go to Wal-Mart for various items which I had carefully written down in green marker on a stolen piece of notebook paper.
Orian had been playing a video game while I got ready to go, and he was concerned about leaving the house. "What if robbers break in and mess up my save file?", he asked. I had to repeatedly reassure him that robbers would not break in and sabotage his game progress while we were out. Haha.
First up, Supercuts. Izzy was so wonderful and a happy little baby the entire time...I waited. Then when I finally got my turn to have my hair cut, she grew bored of Supercuts and was quick to let me know about it. Orian figured out how to work the TV/VCR combo and managed to get Shrek 2 on and blaring at the 40 volume mark. He also made several lovely symmetrical (very important element!) buildings out of Megabloks. I did get my haircut, though. Lost about 3 inches of crappy no-good hair. The ladies loved Izzy and she got squeezes for having such wonderfully plump thighs.
Orian got his mohawk trimmed while I fed Izzy. I didn't even cover up with my Hooter Hider. Aren't I bold?
Spent over $70 at Supercuts. Don't tell Adrian. 
Next the plan was to quickly swing by Wal-Marts and then get my sick child right back home. Only, Supercuts is next door to Payless. And Xavier's favorite slippers broke yesterday, so shoes were on my list.
The boys both got these boat shoes in black with grey skull and crossbones. It's much cooler than it sounds. I got a pair of shoes that looked like a cross between ballet style shoes and chucks. They are black with skulls and crossbones. What can I say? It's our thing.
I got out on the Kam highway and the SUV made a sound I had never ever heard before. It was the "I hope you're near a gas station" sound. Luckily, I was. And as I waited for the green arrow to encourage me to turn left, I mentally compiled a new, improved list of things I needed to do and purchase. I also noticed a group of orange-vested construction workers grinning at me. "I must look funny," I thought.
And I did look funny. Sitting there with the green arrow flashing, not moving, staring ahead vacantly. I had passed "oops I was trying to change the song on the CD when the light suddenly changed" zone and stepped in a big pile of "look at that dumbass...what's she doing just sitting there when the light is green" zone.
Unfortunately, the gas station was right there next to the amused construction workers, and I had to do what Adrian would later refer to as "the pump of shame". And I had to spend $10 on a tablespoon of gas.
Since I was already near it, I decided to step into Gamestop. I had planned to buy Adrian some games, but I forgot to print out his wishlist, so I thought Gamestop would be a good place to find purchasing guidance from experienced geeks. Parking in the shopping center is hard to come by, but I did find a decent spot. Unfortunately, I parked so badly in it that I got myself, Orian, and Izzy out quickly to avoid the humiliation of being associated with my parking job.
The Gamestop guys were everything I expected, and I left the store with 2 gaming magazines (an Adrian care package staple), Lost Planet for 360, Metal Slug Anthology for PS2, and a 60 GB Playstation 3.
I was both very proud of myself and very alarmed at how much money I had spent.
At that point I knew I could not afford to take any more detours (literally), so I finally headed out to Wal-Mart. At Wal-Mart I got most of the things on my eclectic list, but managed to forget one of the big things that had been the catalyst for the entire shopping excursion: children's sinus medication.
I did get some yummy snacks for this weekend's camping trip, though. 
In the mail today, in addition to a credit card offer for "Ms. Adriana *our last name*", were a Parenting magazine, Super Paper Mario for Wii (a gift to Xavier from his daddy), and a portable DVD/CD/MP3 player (a gift to the boys from grandma and grandpa).
What a nice, materialistic day for us all. I also got to break out the HUGE Ghost Rider toy Adrian sent for Orian (it arrived far more quickly than Super Paper Mario, so I stowed it away). It took me 20 minutes to get all the little twist ties undone and extricate Ghost Rider from his cardboard prison. Orian enjoyed his gift very much. Especially the plastic chain, which he used all evening to whip various household objects. Super.
Later the boys took turns bouncing on, and pushing each other off of, my balance ball, much to Izzy's delight. Nothing makes her squeal with laughter like seeing her brothers shove or wrestle each other. I'm fairly sure I only have a few more months before she's in the middle of it, too.
The boys had an interesting exchange over dinner. Xavier asked his brother, "Do you think you'll get bonus years for a healthy life?" (Bonus years are from TGAofB&M, basically if you live healthy and do healthy things you get "bonus" years and live longer). Orian thoughtfully replied, "No. I'm not going to be in the Army when I grow up. I think I will get a painting job."
Xavier: "What did that have to do with bonus years?"
Hahahhahahaahaa. Ok, maybe that's only funny to me, but it had both me and Xavier giggling.
So now I have the makings of a nice care package for Adrian, including the mix CD and some fresh baked Chocolate Macadamia Bliss cookies. Some parts of the house are mildly clean. The baby's asleep. Orian is clean and in bed. Xavier isn't clean, but he will be tomorrow, and he's in bed. And I bought a new hair straightener that works great, so my hair is trimmed and straight and spiffy.
Nice day.