My apologies for taking so long posting this, but I have been crazy busy.
Isabella Nohealani (pronounced No Hay Ah Lani, it means "beautiful girl from heaven") *Our Last Name* was born on Wednesday, November 29th at 3:43 am. She weighed 8 lbs and 7.9 oz and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. She has blondish-black hair (crazy, I know!) and blue eyes (for now).
I had a doctor's appt on the 27th (3 days overdue), and my doctor decided to induce me so that Adrian would be here for the birth. The birthing suites at the hospital are wonderful, and my mom and Adrian both watched little miss Isabella enter the world. The boys were in the room, just a few feet away, but they slept through the whole thing!
She's healthy as can be and has the sweetest disposition. Her brothers love her. Orian likes to shove toys in her face (haha) and Xavier says she's the most beautiful baby in the world. Daddy is crazy about her and his leaving was so hard. He told her to stay little, but he's going to come back home to a rambunctious 7 month old.
She also has the most adorable little "monkey toes" I've ever seen. 
I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who checked in on me (thanks, Sabrina and Donna!) and everyone who sent gifts. You guys are wonderful. InBloom and UDigIt sent an incredible package filled with gifts for Isabella AND for the boys. The outfits are adorable, and I will post pictures of baby girl in them in the near future. The boys are having so much fun with the remote control car (they like making obstacle courses for it) and they love the Scooby Doo wipe-off coloring books. It was such a thoughtful package. Thank you so much. Thanks also to Sabrina. The t-shirts arrived just before Adrian had to leave, so he got to see them, and he thought they were hilarious! What a perfect, awesome gift. Photos of Isabella in her bad ass shirts are also forthcoming. Thanks to Joe, too, for the card and gift. I'm sorry it didn't make it, but I soooo appreciate the thought. I am overwhelmed by how giving and caring so many of my friends at Joeuser are. Thank you.
Baby girl needs a diaper change and a snack, so I'll have to wrap this up, but here are some photos: