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Oh good, the dog found the chainsaw!
Youth Violent Crime Up in Hawaii
Published on November 10, 2005 By
Texas Wahine
Current Events
November 9, 2005 -- Oahu, Hawaii
An 8 year old boy was savagely attacked yesterday on the island of Oahu by an assailant wielding an unusual weapon that has been described by authorities as a wooden toy snake.
The attack, which left the boy with severe facial wounds, took place inside the child's home. While there has been no confirmation from authorities, sources close to the victim have suggested that the boy's attacker was his 5 year old brother. There were no eye witnesses, but the alleged attacker, when questioned by authorities, confessed his guilt.
Motive for the attack is still unclear, but the alleged attacker indicated to authorities that he became enraged when the victim would not allow him to participate in the video game that the victim had been playing. The victim, speaking to authorities involved with the case, has stated that the video game being played prior to the attack was Animal Crossing. He also noted that Animal Crossing is a one player game.
The victim received a broad linear welt and small lacerations down the side of his face, and was taken to the kitchen where he was treated and released. Authorities have recovered the weapon believed to have been used in the attack and are currently running tests on it.
The family of the victim, and of the alleged attacker, requested that their identity remain anonymous, but did release this statement:
We are sickened by the brutality of this attack. We will do anything we can to make sure that our child's attacker pays for his crime. We confronted him and asked him why he would do such a horrible thing, and he said, "I don't know." How can he not know why he whipped his brother in the face with a wooden snake? We are just appalled. We demand that he be held accountable.
Latest reports indicate that the victim has made a full recovery but remains very angry. Local residents are concerned that retaliation may be imminent. They have vowed to work together to stop this damaging cycle of violence that has plagued Hawaii youth.
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Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
on Nov 10, 2005
OOh! A wooden snake??!! That's just VICIOUS!
Texas Wahine
on Nov 10, 2005
OOh! A wooden snake??!! That's just VICIOUS!
Haha. Ain't it though? I think some anger management instructions are in order.
on Nov 10, 2005
I think some anger management instructions are in order.
You could always sentence him to confinement to his room for a day and forfeiture of toys and games for an afternoon...... and then suspend the sentence on the stipulation that he attend anger management classes.
Wow....working at legal and living with a cop really HAS affected the way I think.
Texas Wahine
on Nov 10, 2005
You could always sentence him to confinement to his room for a day and forfeiture of toys and games for an afternoon...... and then suspend the sentence on the stipulation that he attend anger management classes.
Very appropriate!
Wow....working at legal and living with a cop really HAS affected the way I think.
Haha. Isn't it beautiful? I think those type of reasoning skills are quite valuable and practical.
Dr Guy
on Nov 11, 2005
Those little guys can have a temper on them. I know at that age, my youngest use to wail on his older bother and sisters!
on Nov 11, 2005
Maybe it's because they don't wear home uniforms.
on Nov 11, 2005
Oh, and he looks JUST like you!
on Nov 11, 2005
Hey Bran, I think this incident is one for Law and Order "Criminal Intent".................Love you guys, give both those boys a hug and kiss from Grampa.....Dad
on Nov 12, 2005
all i can say is i hope theres a lotta difference between a 'wooden snake' and a 'wood snake'.
on 2nd thought i can say one more thing (without putting myself in danger of immediate arrest). obviously having dawg chapman in close proximity offers even less protection than one might imagine...not to mention less effect on the crime rate too.
on Nov 13, 2005
Owch, that looks nasty. The lesson here is: buy rubber snakes instead....
Bahu Virupaksha
on Nov 13, 2005
I am not surprised at what happened. In fact when I was a graduate student at UH Manoa, one friday evening at Waikiki as my friends and I were returning home we saw with our own eyes a brutal shooting of a Mainlander right on Waikiki itself. It has been years since I left Honolulu, but I reckon that it must have happened in 1985. Yes, in that Tropical Paradise there is a great deal of simmining discontent.
Texas Wahine
on Nov 13, 2005
Those little guys can have a temper on them. I know at that age, my youngest use to wail on his older bother and sisters!
The little one has ALWAYS been the one to lash out (back when he was about one and a half, he bashed his brother in the forehead with a Lysol can...Xavier had to get stitches). In fairness, his brother can be really snotty and condescending to him, which makes it worse.
Haha, he's really good in school, so I guess he saves up all his aggression for his poor brother.
Maybe it's because they don't wear home uniforms.
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA...there's the problem!
Oh, and he looks JUST like you!
I've noticed that the older he gets, the more he looks like me. Poor kid!
Hey Bran, I think this incident is one for Law and Order "Criminal Intent".................
Think I could sell the story for some money? Hehe.
Love you guys, give both those boys a hug and kiss from Grampa.....Dad
Will do. We love you guys too.
all i can say is i hope theres a lotta difference between a 'wooden snake' and a 'wood snake'.
on 2nd thought i can say one more thing (without putting myself in danger of immediate arrest). obviously having dawg chapman in close proximity offers even less protection than one might imagine...not to mention less effect on the crime rate too.
Hehe. Perhaps watching a few episodes might put the fear of dawg into the little one!!
Owch, that looks nasty. The lesson here is: buy rubber snakes instead....
I was QUITE surprised that there wasn't any bruising the next day. Cause that would be a fun one to explain to the teachers!
We DO have rubber snakes, but apparently, he just grabbed whatever was closest!
In fact when I was a graduate student at UH Manoa, one friday evening at Waikiki as my friends and I were returning home we saw with our own eyes a brutal shooting of a Mainlander right on Waikiki itself.
That's horrible. This post is actually a bit of a joke...it was just some scuffling between my two boys...but there is some serious issues with violence, particularly against "haoles" here in Hawaii.
Yes, in that Tropical Paradise there is a great deal of simmining discontent.
That's the truth. Many Hawaiians have a great deal of anger and resentment (not entirely unjustified) toward non-Pacific Islanders.
Gideon MacLeish
on Nov 13, 2005
I hope you will join me in supporting a full and complete ban on all wooden assault snakes! This has gone TOO FAR!
on Nov 14, 2005
Ouch... Kinda reminds me of growing up with three younger brothers. What they lacked in size and strength they made up for in sheer viciousness. I can't tell you how many scars I've got because of them, but I do love them so.
Clever and funny post, Tex. Good one...
Texas Wahine
on Nov 14, 2005
I hope you will join me in supporting a full and complete ban on all wooden assault snakes! This has gone TOO FAR!
Where's sushiK when ya need him? After we ban pitbulls and SUVs, wooden snakes are next! Hehe.
Ouch... Kinda reminds me of growing up with three younger brothers. What they lacked in size and strength they made up for in sheer viciousness. I can't tell you how many scars I've got because of them, but I do love them so.
Exactly! Although, I do think that in some twisted way they're learning some lessons about getting along with each other and the rest of the world as well.
Clever and funny post, Tex. Good one...
I always appreciate your comments on my blog.
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