They're Going to be Coming Down Off the Sugar Soon...
Published on November 1, 2005 By Texas Wahine In Life Journals
We had a terrific Halloween this year. It's so great to have Adrian home.

Xavier and I spent half an hour getting him done up as a zombie. I cut up a different t-shirt for him because a kid in his class pulled on the one he wore Friday and stretched it out. Then, in a stroke of pure genius, I decided to rub his jeans and t-shirts in dirt from the back yard. Hehe. We used Adrian's camo for make up this time (and fake blood) and I think it was an improvement.

It'll probably never come off though, haha.

Orian was a Power Ranger again. Poor little guy's boot covers didn't make it through the night. He came home with huge holes in them. At least he got to enjoy them for a month or so. I promise he'll wear that costume until it's shredded.

Every year I take a photo of the boys and Adrian outside our front door. I have photos from at least 4 different homes, and every year Adrian wears his orange "Trick or Treater Leader" baseball cap. Here's this year's photo:

Adrian and I were supposed to dress up like Professor Chaos and General Disarray from South Park, but that didn't happen (there's always next year!), but I did paint a spider on my cheek. A neighbor kid looked at it and asked me what I was supposed to be. Hehe. Nothing. I just have a spider painted on my cheek.

I stayed home and handed out candy while Adrian took the boys around the neighborhood. He said they had a great time and even got to go through a haunted house (I'm so sad that I missed that!). They came home with an ungodly amount of candy. This might be their best haul yet.

As soon as they got home they started sticking their little heads in their bags and digging out candy. I got offered the stuff they didn't want (chocolate eyeball, anyone?). After about 20 minutes of feasting (bad, bad, bad, I know...but it's Halloween!), they dumped their bags out on the floor and started trading. I did get 1/3 of a fruit roll up and a Rolo out of the ordeal.

Here's Xavier with his stash:

I had a fun time handing out candy and seeing all the little one's costumes. I saw the cutest little one dressed up like a pink poodle, and an 8 or 9 year old in a super cool dark red metal flake colored Scream mask. I also saw a 9 or so year old girl in a red sequined halter top and matching low rise pants with a devil tail and horns. She looked like she had just walked off the set of a Halloween-themed porno. Scary.

And of course, I've got to complain about SOMETHING. This year it's the fact that I had not one but TWO adults actually take candy from me for themselves. Both times the women had their own bags and when I didn't immediately give them candy, they opened the bags up in my face. Adrian bought a ton of candy today, and I was pretty heavy-handed with it (3 or even 4 pieces per kid), so I ended having to scale down to one piece of good candy and piece of bubble gum per kid. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough to last through the night. And then here comes the pig-faced moms who feel entitled to the candy that should be going to neighborhood kids.

You're an adult. You probably have a job. If you don't, your husband has one. Buy your OWN damn candy! Argh.

But was really enjoyable Halloween, and after having Adrian gone for the last one, I really treasured his presence. The kids had a great time. We all did. And CSI was on while I was handing out candy. You can't beat that!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 01, 2005

We went trick or treating inn the pouring rain :

The kids weighed their stash when they got home - just over 8 lbs each!  I think that people felt sorry for them, traipsing around in the rain like that, so they gave us more candy to make up for it.

It's bs that grown ups were asking for candy.  I mean, I dress up, but I don't go get treats.  How rude.

on Nov 01, 2005
I'm sorry to say, but the kids around here are assholes. I'd say I got about 30 kids total, and only saw three in costume. The rest approached in small packs, dressed in regular street clothes.

There were some like that around here last night. Teenagers, just in it for the candy. Dave was part of the 'Pumpkin Patrol'(they go out and make sure kids are behaving themselves and nobody gets hurt) so he was in uniform, and he mentioned to them a couple of times that he thought costumes were mandatory rather than optional for this event.

I'm sorry you had such a rough time of it....and you showed more restraint than me, lady. I'd have told them all to fuck off and taken my pennies back.
on Nov 01, 2005
Mmmmmm.....kid's good.........taste like fresh brains..............Link

on Nov 01, 2005
We had one father taking around his daughter.  She was dressed up, but could not have been more than a year old. (He had 2 other kids in tow as well).  I gave him the stuff I figured he would like, cause I did not see that little baby eating candy yet (not unless he is a real masochist!).  I did not mind giving it to him.  My Wife and I went to Costco this past weekend and got 2 big bags of the mixed stuff and a box of tootsie pops.  We have aobut 1/3 of it left.  And I am not a candy eater!
on Nov 01, 2005
Refusing to bestow gifts on these innocent chillun just cuz dey too po' to have costumes woulda been racist and mean.

Ahh, yes.....i see your point. However....they could have gone as pimps, playas and crack ho's. I mean, they already got all that stuff in the closet, right?
on Nov 01, 2005
I've only been living in my neighborhood for a few months, so didn't know what to expect as far as Halloween crowds go...only had about 30 kids show up...most were polite kids, so that was good.

The highlights of my Halloween night: getting to spend it with my b/f and getting a visit from my brother, who brought my one year old niece with him...she was adorable in her kitty costume....

Best costumes I saw: a tie between my niece and her daddy...he was some sort of zombie priest...weird...(hope my grandmother didn't see it...she's a devout Catholic and would have probably been tempted to throw holy water at him...
on Nov 01, 2005
We went trick or treating inn the pouring rain

Thanks for the link. I'll head over there.

The kids weighed their stash when they got home - just over 8 lbs each! I think that people felt sorry for them, traipsing around in the rain like that, so they gave us more candy to make up for it.

Dayum. Haha. That's A LOT of candy. I actually think doing Halloween in the rain is pretty fun. I like weather. (I'm a dork)

It's bs that grown ups were asking for candy. I mean, I dress up, but I don't go get treats. How rude.

I guess I wouldn't have been all that bothered, but by the time I got my two grown ups, I was running low on candy. Last year we got a late start (I didn't realize everyone else started so early here), and SO many houses were out of candy. I just can't understand why a parent would do that when they know that many houses are going to run out before it's all said and done.

It's like literally taking candy from a baby.

Little Whip:
At the last minute, since it was such a warm day, and I found out my immediate neighbor, (who lives in the other half of our duplex) was looking forward to the trick or treaters, I decided to relieve myself of a large jar of change instead of candy.

That's a REALLY cute idea! It's a nice change of pace (sorry, unintended pun!) and my kids love coins.

I just reached in, grabbed a small handful of coins for each goon at my door, and dropped them into the bag.

That's what I did with the candy, too. I just grabbed some. If it was siblings, I tried to be equal, but in general, I just grabbed a fistful.

I'm sorry to say, but the kids around here are assholes. I'd say I got about 30 kids total, and only saw three in costume. The rest approached in small packs, dressed in regular street clothes.

Haha. I don't know that I'd be inclined to hand out ANYTHING to parent-less kids in packs (without costumes, no less). THAT'S not Halloween. That's unsupervised thugs taking advantage of the kindness of strangers.

One tried to reach in and grab the change jar under the pretense of petting the dog.

OMG. What did you say to that child?

One kid beat another one up, dug in his bag and took the money.

Holy crap. Another reason why kids shouldn't be out trick-or-treating without parents. Geez.

When I scolded them, one group called me a cunt and spit at me.

Wow. What a bunch of little turds.

Screw it.

I won't do it again. Not here. Not in the 'hood.

I don't blame you. That sounds like an awful experience.

It's a shame, really, but thats two years in a row I've gotten pissed off on Halloween, so if I'm still here next year (god, I hope not) I will put a padlock on the gate to keep them away from my door altogether.

I don't blame you at all. The whole point is not in the stuff, but in the feeling that doing all that stuff gives you. If it makes you feel like crap, then why bother? What's the point?
on Nov 01, 2005
I'm sorry you had such a rough time of it....and you showed more restraint than me, lady. I'd have told them all to fuck off and taken my pennies back.

No kidding.

Mmmmmm.....kid's good.........taste like fresh brains..............

Right now my kids taste like lollipops and orange Halloween Kit Kat bars. Hehe. (Thanks for the link, btw)

We had one father taking around his daughter. She was dressed up, but could not have been more than a year old. (He had 2 other kids in tow as well). I gave him the stuff I figured he would like, cause I did not see that little baby eating candy yet (not unless he is a real masochist!). I did not mind giving it to him.

Both of these women had kids with them who had their own bags. Perhaps they had a kid or baby at home that was sick or too young to trick-or-treat (which, imo, not old enough to trick-or-treat means not old enough to eat candy), but they said not a word about that. They just shoved their bags in my face.

My Wife and I went to Costco this past weekend and got 2 big bags of the mixed stuff and a box of tootsie pops. We have aobut 1/3 of it left. And I am not a candy eater!

Haha. You should have started unloading it on the last few kids you had!

Little Whip:
So next year I'm just going to padlock the gate. Screw it.

Just don't give in and decide to do it again next year. I know how much you like to treat little kids, and I can see you having a hopeful last minute change of heart and getting screwed all over again.

Ahh, yes.....i see your point. However....they could have gone as pimps, playas and crack ho's. I mean, they already got all that stuff in the closet, right?

My kids dress up even when they're just playing. How could these kids not have even a tad bit of creativity? Could they not come up with SOMETHING? A big part of the fun of Halloween is in deciding on (and often building!) a costume.
on Nov 01, 2005
I've only been living in my neighborhood for a few months, so didn't know what to expect as far as Halloween crowds go...only had about 30 kids show up...most were polite kids, so that was good.

That's good to hear. As much as I like taking my kids around to people's houses, it's pretty fun to hand out candy, too.

The highlights of my Halloween night: getting to spend it with my b/f and getting a visit from my brother, who brought my one year old niece with him...she was adorable in her kitty costume...


Best costumes I saw: a tie between my niece and her daddy...he was some sort of zombie priest...weird...(hope my grandmother didn't see it...she's a devout Catholic and would have probably been tempted to throw holy water at him...

Hahahahahahaha. That's great! A nice twist on the generic zombie. Excellent.

Little Whip:
Still, I think back to my childhood and remember some pretty good costumes that I made on the cheap out of things like boxes and bags, old clothes and make-up, and wonder why such creativity is lacking in these children.

That's what I'm thinking, too. My kids will pretend to be things all the time. I'm forever being asked for a piece of tape or a flashlight or a rope. Where's the creativity in these kids?

I don't think it's about money (unless the parents or kids are of the mindset that's store bought costume or nothing) because you can put together all sorts of things from what you have around the house.

Just the other day my little one and I watched an episode of Little Bill (cute little cartoon created by Bill Cosby) and little Bill is upset because the store has run out of the costumes for the character he likes (a spaceman, I think).

His brother and sister and parents all bring in an item of theirs with a suggestion of what kind of costume can be made with it. He tells them no. The conclusion of the show comes when he realizes that he can use all the things they've offered to MAKE HIS OWN costume like the one he wanted to buy.

That's what kids do! They pretend. They improvise. A costume the kid himself created is much more rewarding and fun for him than the best one bought from a store.

Every one of them, though, from the littlest to the ones far too old to be engaging in this sort of legalized extortion, was wearing name brand running shoes, and most of them had been blessed with starter jackets as well. (also outrageously priced due to OFFICIAL LOGOS.)

Ugh. Priorities.

I feel like such a scrooge.

It's not you. You live in a sucky neighborhood that robs kind people of their holiday spirit.

BTW, Xavier's costume, which wasn't the greatest, but he was very happy with, cost me about $3. We used old clothes, his daddy's camo, dollar store scary teeth, and a tube of fake blood. That's less than the price of a pack of cigarettes.

It could have been done for less, even. Old clothes, momma's foundation and eyeshadow for creepy skin, and momma's lipstick for blood.

Even just looking ahead a bit, you can buy costumes and make up and decorations for a fraction of the cost the day after Halloween and then put them up for next year.

What is wrong with people?!?
on Nov 01, 2005
We had one father taking around his daughter. She was dressed up, but could not have been more than a year old. (He had 2 other kids in tow as well). I gave him the stuff I figured he would like, cause I did not see that little baby eating candy yet (not unless he is a real masochist!). I did not mind giving it to him. My Wife and I went to Costco this past weekend and got 2 big bags of the mixed stuff and a box of tootsie pops. We have aobut 1/3 of it left. And I am not a candy eater could send it to me. "I'll" eat it.
on Nov 01, 2005
It's bs that grown ups were asking for candy. I mean, I dress up, but I don't go get treats. How rude.

I actually had a mom in a motorized wheelchair that had her little son collecting an extra bag of candy for his handicapped mom. I was dumbfounded. I had never heard of kids collecting for adults or adults collecting for themselves. Rude and uncalled for!

TW, lover the kids' costumes. Well done!
on Nov 01, 2005
Bran, it is really heart warming to see your family together at halloween. I love all the pics...the one with "A" and the boys on the porch is truly an awesome pic....a dad and his boys ready for some halloween action! Thanks for the story and the pics.....missing you guys something terrible...please give Xavier and Orian big squeezes from Grampa....Love, Dad
on Nov 01, 2005
What a fun holiday! I heart halloween!!

For some reason my JU blog has been bunk as of late. I have moved to Come visit!
on Nov 01, 2005

I'm glad you and the family had a great time and enjoyed yourselves. Thanks for the pictures too. The one of Xavier as a Zombie reminds me of the only Halloween party I've ever been to where I dressed as... you guessed it... a punk zombie. I ended up looking like an anorexic dead Billy Idol. It was lots of fun.


on Nov 02, 2005
I actually had a mom in a motorized wheelchair that had her little son collecting an extra bag of candy for his handicapped mom. I was dumbfounded. I had never heard of kids collecting for adults or adults collecting for themselves. Rude and uncalled for!

I just can't get what makes people think that's ok. I mean, c'mon...the treats are for the kiddos. If grown-ups want some, go to Wal-Mart and spend $2 on a bag. Sheesh.

TW, lover the kids' costumes. Well done!

Aw, thanks!

Little Whip:
"GET THE FARK OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" as loudly as I could, which was loud enough to lighten him several skin tones. Oh, and I didn't use the word fark, either.

Hahahahahahaa. Well, he deserved it.

I probably will. I'm a sucker like that. And still a bit of a dreamer I suppose, even under this hard-boiled shell.

I think that's adorable. And I'll be looking for your "Oops! I did it again!" article next year. Hehe.

Thanks for the story and the pics.....missing you guys something terrible...please give Xavier and Orian big squeezes from Grampa....Love, Dad

I'm glad you enjoyed it. We miss you guys, too. Especially around the holidays. We miss taking them to trick-or-treat at your house and going with you guys to the carnival. Hope y'all had fun at your church carnival.

What a fun holiday! I heart halloween!!

Me too!!

For some reason my JU blog has been bunk as of late. I have moved to Come visit!

Sorry to hear about your blog. I'll have to go check out your new one. Thanks for stopping by.

I'm glad you and the family had a great time and enjoyed yourselves. Thanks for the pictures too.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

The one of Xavier as a Zombie reminds me of the only Halloween party I've ever been to where I dressed as... you guessed it... a punk zombie. I ended up looking like an anorexic dead Billy Idol. It was lots of fun.

That is awesome. What a terrific idea. Got any pics?
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