They're Going to be Coming Down Off the Sugar Soon...
We had a terrific Halloween this year. It's so great to have Adrian home. 
Xavier and I spent half an hour getting him done up as a zombie. I cut up a different t-shirt for him because a kid in his class pulled on the one he wore Friday and stretched it out. Then, in a stroke of pure genius, I decided to rub his jeans and t-shirts in dirt from the back yard. Hehe. We used Adrian's camo for make up this time (and fake blood) and I think it was an improvement.
It'll probably never come off though, haha.

Orian was a Power Ranger again. Poor little guy's boot covers didn't make it through the night. He came home with huge holes in them. At least he got to enjoy them for a month or so. I promise he'll wear that costume until it's shredded.

Every year I take a photo of the boys and Adrian outside our front door. I have photos from at least 4 different homes, and every year Adrian wears his orange "Trick or Treater Leader" baseball cap. Here's this year's photo:

Adrian and I were supposed to dress up like Professor Chaos and General Disarray from South Park, but that didn't happen (there's always next year!), but I did paint a spider on my cheek. A neighbor kid looked at it and asked me what I was supposed to be. Hehe. Nothing. I just have a spider painted on my cheek. 

I stayed home and handed out candy while Adrian took the boys around the neighborhood. He said they had a great time and even got to go through a haunted house (I'm so sad that I missed that!). They came home with an ungodly amount of candy. This might be their best haul yet.
As soon as they got home they started sticking their little heads in their bags and digging out candy. I got offered the stuff they didn't want (chocolate eyeball, anyone?). After about 20 minutes of feasting (bad, bad, bad, I know...but it's Halloween!), they dumped their bags out on the floor and started trading. I did get 1/3 of a fruit roll up and a Rolo out of the ordeal.
Here's Xavier with his stash:

I had a fun time handing out candy and seeing all the little one's costumes. I saw the cutest little one dressed up like a pink poodle, and an 8 or 9 year old in a super cool dark red metal flake colored Scream mask. I also saw a 9 or so year old girl in a red sequined halter top and matching low rise pants with a devil tail and horns. She looked like she had just walked off the set of a Halloween-themed porno. Scary.
And of course, I've got to complain about SOMETHING. This year it's the fact that I had not one but TWO adults actually take candy from me for themselves. Both times the women had their own bags and when I didn't immediately give them candy, they opened the bags up in my face. Adrian bought a ton of candy today, and I was pretty heavy-handed with it (3 or even 4 pieces per kid), so I ended having to scale down to one piece of good candy and piece of bubble gum per kid. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough to last through the night. And then here comes the pig-faced moms who feel entitled to the candy that should be going to neighborhood kids.
You're an adult. You probably have a job. If you don't, your husband has one. Buy your OWN damn candy! Argh.
But was really enjoyable Halloween, and after having Adrian gone for the last one, I really treasured his presence. The kids had a great time. We all did. And CSI was on while I was handing out candy. You can't beat that!