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Oh good, the dog found the chainsaw!
The Leader
Published on September 4, 2005 By
Texas Wahine
My boys are easy to please. Simple to entertain.
A whoopie cushion can be bought for under a dollar, and it will be funny for 4 and a half days (when it breaks from overuse).
Farts really are a universal language.
And with that in mind, I present the cutting edge in comedy at our house:
The drawing, obviously, is not funny (well, the horrible rendering of a comic book character might be considered funny...or a brutal travesty, depending on your point of view). But the "I Farted"?
Comedy gold.
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Texas Wahine
on Sep 04, 2005
WHy did I post this? Hahaa...sometimes I wonder about myself.
on Sep 04, 2005
~WHy did I post this? Hahaa...sometimes I wonder about myself.~
You posted it because it's something that brings your family together and brings lots of smiles and laughter to your lives...even if it might not be funny to anyone else.
Around my household, my honey chases me around pretending to be some deranged zombie out to get me...I laugh, squeal and scream at the same time (and this some people might find weird lol). He also from time to time walks around with his shirt over his head (a la beavis), which I find
If farting brings out some good 'ol times at home, then by all means, fart away. '
on Sep 04, 2005
It is humourous because of the dichotomy between the stern look on the monsterous homonid's face and the light hearted vulgarity of said homonid's internal monologue.
This comment was brought to you by the People for Pretention Association (PPA).
on Sep 04, 2005
I think its funny not only because of the "i farted" i think its even funnier beause you will never see the leader ever say that in any comics ever. i dont know its like they dont mix so its funny.
on Sep 04, 2005
Did your sons draw that picture?! That is pretty good, but I don't know who the leader is.
Farting is the universal family-bringer-together in a houseful of boys. It is stinky, but funny!
Texas Wahine
on Sep 05, 2005
You posted it because it's something that brings your family together and brings lots of smiles and laughter to your lives...even if it might not be funny to anyone else.
Hehe. Ain't that the truth. My family has a wacky sense of humor. We spend all day laughing about silly stuff.
Around my household, my honey chases me around pretending to be some deranged zombie out to get me...I laugh, squeal and scream at the same time (and this some people might find weird lol). He also from time to time walks around with his shirt over his head (a la beavis), which I find
Hahaha...that's great. I hate zombies (ok, I know they're not real, but still...scary!). The Beavis thing is great. I love that!
If farting brings out some good 'ol times at home, then by all means, fart away.
It is humourous because of the dichotomy between the stern look on the monsterous homonid's face and the light hearted vulgarity of said homonid's internal monologue.
Thank you, Professor Toblerone, hehe. I knew there was something deep and intelligent going on here.
This comment was brought to you by the People for Pretention Association (PPA).
But of course!
Did your sons draw that picture?! That is pretty good, but I don't know who the leader is.
Sadly, no. That is my handiwork. My oldest and I draw together a lot, and it was one of the characters from one of his books that he asked me to draw. Then, in a moment of sheer brilliance, the "I farted" just came to me. Hehe.
Farting is the universal family-bringer-together in a houseful of boys. It is stinky, but funny!
little whip:
It was very subtle and realistic sounding, having about 5 or 6 different fart sounds. The victim would look around, trying to figure out where the noise came from while the rest of us would stare at them like....wtf?? Some people tried to ignore it, some started accusing the person in the next booth, and some just laughed their asses off, usually figuring it out after the third or fourth fart.
Bwahahahhahahahahaaha...that's awesome! Have any idea where I might be able to get my hands on one of those contraptions?
Hehehe, I guess my coworkers and I were easily amused too!
That's awesome. Hhahahaahaha. I love it!
Stercus accidit:
I think its funny not only because of the "i farted" i think its even funnier beause you will never see the leader ever say that in any comics ever. i dont know its like they dont mix so its funny.
Haha...well, to me, he looks like someone who is just dying to cut the cheese and let out some of that bad energy.
I don't really know who he is, although my kids (and husband, haha) do.
new-age nomad
on Sep 06, 2005
This post contains the reasons why I admire you.
on Sep 07, 2005
Farting around my home has everyone laughing and running for cover! You're funny..that's why and a "mad" sense of humor!
Oh, nice drawing of "fartman"!
Texas Wahine
on Sep 08, 2005
Trinitie: Thanks.
Farting around my home has everyone laughing and running for cover! You're funny..that's why and a "mad" sense of humor!
Hehe. It's so wrong, I know!
Oh, nice drawing of "fartman"!
Why thank you! "Fartman" sounds like a much better name than The Leader, haha.
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