Published on December 30, 2004 By Texas Wahine In Home & Family
BY Orian (4 year old son of Texas Wahine)

This time it stopped snowing. And den I wooked out the window and the snow was gone. And den there was no snow and no presents. And I wooked out the window and I saw the snow gone. And den we opened our presents. And there was dark clouds.

I had Power Ranger toothpaste in my stocking and it wasn't nasty and it wasn't dumped. And den the earth was dark. And den there was evil guys and they were on the roof. And the Power Rangers were in the roof, too. And den the clouds covered the dark from the bombs. And den I used my power ball to beat them. I was eating gum and it turned into a power ball.

And den Spud ate my other sock, and Momma took it away from Spud and he couldn't find it and he was hungry. And den Santa falled off of earth. But he actually flied off of earth. And den we were superheroes and we saved the day. And den I did a super, super Orian ball. And den the turtle got out of the water and then it goed back into the water.


on Dec 30, 2004
Snow is fun Maybe you'll be able to go out and play in it. And the power rangers will help you fight tooth decay. Is Spud a pet? Maybe he needs his dinner. Sounds like that turtle is keeping busy too
on Dec 30, 2004

I mean, this is priceless stuff! 

Orian, you're a good writer.  Descriptive writing seems to be your talent.


on Dec 30, 2004

Dear Orian,

I saw some Power Ranger toothpaste in the store the other day and I was wondering if if was yukky or not.  Now that you've said it's not nasty I might try some.

Who is Spud, and why does he eat socks?  I have a weiner dog named Henry and he likes to run away with our socks, but he doesn't eat them.

Have a Happy New Year and be a good boy for your momma!

