I spoke to Sabrina today and she is hoping to go home in the next few days. She is very sore, but getting up and around and walking several times a day. She said she's been pretty out of it for the past two days since the surgery, but she is nice and coherent now. 
Because of her lowered immune response, her doctor would like to get her home and away from hospital germs as soon as it's safe to do so. It's just not quite time for her to go home yet.
She has, of course, made a scene with a nurse or two, tales I'm sure she'll share when she's home and feeling much better. For being such a baddie, though, I did hear a nurse who came in to check on her say "I heart you" to her...so she obviously can't be that evil. HAHA.
She is recovering, though, and seems to be in good spirits despite the pain and discomfort she's in.