Some pictures from Orian's birthday party on Saturday. He is 8!
He wanted an Iron Man party, and I got the supplies from Oriental Express because it was like $20-$30 cheaper than everywhere else. There wasn't a lot in the way of decorations, but the kit *did* come with two LARGE bags of "confetti" and red paper dots (like what you get from a hole puncher). In retrospect, dumping both bags onto the table was not my best party move.
It was a small, low-key party. No bounce-houses or pony rides or trips to a theme park. But I think he had fun. Life Happens and her kiddos were there and a couple of other boys, and I was thankful we decided to keep the guest list small. It was LOUD. One child in particular who does not belong to me or to LH was...umm...LOUD. Very, very, very loud. Haha.
Orian had a great time playing with his friends, and he loved his gifts. Lucky little boy.
Afterwards, Adrian helped the boys tape thumbtacks to the fists of the fighting robots he got and they used them to pop balloons. LOL. And as it turns out, Isabella is incredibly afraid of these little battling robots. She cries, says "bots", and "I scared" while clutching at her chest and neck.
Life Happens also helped me fix my toilet. Haha. Ok, well, I have to pick up a different sized part, but she is a problem solver and figured out what was wrong with my noisy toilet and took me to the store to get the needed part (I forgot the piece from my toilet to show the Home Depot people so I could get the right size, d'oh!). It is a very cool person who will stick their hands in the back of your toilet (which is clean water, she assures me!) for you.
Here are the pics: