1. The boys headed out the door on their first day of school. I had a better pic where Xavier actually looked happy, haha, but my camera ate it.
2. Isabella insisted on putting on several pieces of My Little Pony clothing (dirty, btw!), pink gym shorts, one of her daddy's slippers, and a pair of my shoes. Classy.
3. Big smile.
4. She's really picky about clothes. She usually tells them to "let goooo!".
5. Halfway point of pregnancy #4. I am not sure if I look pregnant or just more fat, LOL.
6. For comparison, a pic I snagged off my SIL's Facebook. That was when Orian was a baby. I was tiny. I don't think that will ever happen again. haha. Stars aligned just right or something. (that's SIL and brother rehearsing for their wedding, btw)
7. I keep going into GAP and getting like 1 thing that's on clearance for 3 or 4 bucks. It drives the cashiers crazy. I got the top for $3.99 last week and then found the leggings this week for $3.99. Both items were originally $12.50 each. Seems like there used to be better deals when the boys were little, though.
I took pictures of my sonogram pics, but my camera ate them. I am having some serious camera issues. Ugh.