Now that I have a daughter, I get to enjoy first hand experience with the battle to find age appropriate clothing. It starts VERY young.
My current issue is with Halloween costumes. Isabella loves to pretend to be a kitty. She crawls around and warbles and exaggerated "Meeeeoooow". She loves Tom and Jerry. A kitty cat is the perfect thing for her to "be" for Halloween.
You would think it would be very simple to find a plain cat costume for a toddler. I'm thinking probably lots of little ones have been cats throughout the years. Xavier was a kitty cat one Halloween years ago.
It's not so simple, though. So far I've found exactly one costume that is just a plain, simple cat. And it's out of stock.
What I did find, however, were plenty of sexy/suggestive/not age appropriate cat costumes for toddler girls. Is it just me or are these costumes things you would never put your two year old little girl in?

I realize the two jumpsuits should be ok, but really, they have the whole 70's skin-tight body suit vibe. Just a little too adult for me. And the second one? Ugh. Maybe it's just the positioning of the little girl in the photo.
All I know is, my daughter won't be a "Kitty Princess", "Wild Cat", or "Pretty Kitty". These costumes just don't seem appropriate AT ALL.