I'm now 18 weeks pregnant...2 weeks away from the halfway point. Time seems to be passing very quickly. It's exciting to think that we will soon have a new baby in the house.
I have been taking a picture of my side profile every 2 weeks to see the changes. I did the same thing with my pregnancy with Isabella, and afterwards it was really neat to look back at the pictures.
The baby is in a stage of rapid growth, so I expect to "pop" soon and look very obviously pregnant. My tummy has definitely grown, but I think I am still in that stage where people who don't know me might just guess that I am a plain old fatty (which I am, but I'm pregnant, too!).
I do NOT have a supermodel pregnant tummy. I have killer stretch marks from my other pregnancies. But you know what, it's a part of me, and a lot of other women have them too. Maybe people should get used to seeing them.
Here I am at 18 weeks into my 4th pregnancy:

22 weeks to go!