Oh wow. I had an entire article written out and then accidentally deleted it. That sucks.
Instead of trying to write it all out again, I'm going to go with bullets, LOL.
- School starts in less than 3 weeks.
- Xavier will be in Gifted and Talented (TAG) this year, and I think he will enjoy how hands-on and self-directed it is.
- He bought Spore Creature Creator with his allowance, and he is hooked.
- Orian likes whatever Xavier likes, much to Xavier's frustration.
- Isabella is talking a lot now. "YAY!" is her exclamation when anything pleases her. Anytime you do anything for her, she always replies with a chipper "Thanks!"
- She also enjoys saying "ewwww" to anything and everything. Especially when someone farts. "Ewwww!"
- Orian's two front teeth still aren't in. I know what he's going to be asking for for Christmas.
- On the other hand, Isabella seems to get a new tooth every single day.
- I had my first prenatal appointment and everything went well.
- I have my ultrasound on the 2nd of September.
- I think this baby is a boy, but I'm hoping for a girl. Either way will be great and perfect, but I already have girl stuff, LOL, and it would be fun for Isabella to have a sister to play with.
- My morning sickness is almost gone but now I have a horrible bladder infection. I never have bad pregnancy problems. I'm just a magnet for the smaller, more annoying complaints.
- I think I wrote about a lot of other stuff but I can't remember what I wrote and I'm too mad at myself for accidentally deleting it to try to remember.
And some pictures:
Some of you have asked what my avatar is, so here she is in all her glory...a mermaid nursing a merbaby.
Isabella being...how do you spell onery? Is there an h in there?
With big brother Orian.
In her super stylish outfit.
Being a cutie.
We finally got a new entertainment center. The old one was way too big and bulky and cluttered for the space. Next on the list is wireless speakers and some ties to bundle up the wires down below.
The boys inherited the old one, minus the backing.