I tried and tried last night to post a slideshow, but for some reason I can no longer figure out how to do that. Instead, here are some stationary pics.
There are a lot...sorry!
Making Martians!

She LOVES Gwen Stefani! Enraptured, haha!

The boys playing at Pa & Gran-Gran's house:

Adrian with his parents at his sister's wedding.

Grandpa and Izzy:

One day of our trip to the panhandle, Adrian and I had a day with just us and the boys. Our Realtor gave us a $50 gift card to Chuck E Cheese as a "thank you" (AWESOME GIFT!), so we did Chuck E. Cheese and had tons of pizza and played tons of games for only 75 cents out of pocket! The boys used their tickets to buy something for themselves and a chunky plastic bracelet for their sister. So fun.
We also took them to the Panhandle Plains Museum at West Texas A&M and we went down into Palo Duro Canyon. It was a fun, hectic day, and it was nice to have a day that was just about the boys!
This was parked outside the museum, haha. Some super cool person's personal vehicle:

Walking a trail inside the canyon:

In retrospect, not the safest photo op:

Xavier's birthday is this month, and he decided he wanted to celebrate it at Pa & Gran-Gran's house. He wanted a Guitar Hero party.

Adrian and Pa baked the cakes and I *attempted* to cut and paste them into a guitar. Not my best work. Haha.


Back at home...Father's Day;

The boys like watching Daddy open presents.

Pa and Gran-Gran sent us home with a pool. Fun!

Messy Mac and Cheese:

And, Daddy is a horsey!

Just a few pics of our summer so far! Thanks for looking.