Once upon a time, there was a crocodile named Crocky. You see, Crocky was no ordinary crocodile...
He was slightly retarded. This guy named Earl, who was a Forest Ranger, wanted Crocky. Crocky loved to drink Crocky Juice, and the only way to make it was with Crock Berries, which he found in the swamp. I know, I said Earl was a Forest Ranger, but he was also a Bounty Hunter. He has very little teeth and a huge beard. And one day he almost Crocky.
But before I tell you that story, I have to tell you more about Crocky.
So, Crocky had really bad grades in school. Crocodile school. They were much like a whale. They rarely rose above C level. And because of that, Crocky had to live in a cardboard box with his mom. And one day Earl had got a trap to defeat Crocky. He attached his beard to a string, and that string was attached to a Crock Berry, and that Crock Berry was then attached to Crocky's mouth. But, the only way that would work was if Crocky tried to bite his ear, while flailing his arms rapidly, like he does everyday (Crocky's retarded, remember?). And then the Crock Berry splattered. Crocky ran to get it, and down came Earl.
Earl fell straight on Crocky, with a net. Crocky was trapped. Two days later, he was put in Earl's jail cell. Crocky was soon captured by a bunch of hillbillies. Fortunately, those hillbillies have been stealing from Earl for years. Crocky outsmarted them because there's levels of stupid:
Now, Crocky was home free, and Earl never bothered him again.
-- Xavier (typed by mom)