We took the boys to see Iron Man at the PX today. We got there at least 30 minutes early but the line was already long and reached all the way through the food court and out the door. Iron Man was about 30 minutes late, so we were standing outside for close to an hour. My boobies got sunburned and Isabella had a fun time trying to escape, haha.
Once we got inside the line moved pretty quickly, but after only 20 minutes of meet and greet Iron Man took a 30 minute break!! We waited in line an hour and a half or so, just to take a pic with him (like 1 minute of kid & Iron Man time). Iron Man, man up and take shorter breaks! Smoke or take a poo or cool off or whatever you need to do, but make it happen in 15 minutes!
Here are some pics of the waiting:

Meeting Iron Man (he had funny stubby arms, but the boys still thought he was cool!):
Afterward we had lunch at Fuddruckers:

I have one more pic of the boys with Iron Man, but it won't work on here for some reason. But, there you go. The Iron Man Experience. Ha!