Published on August 20, 2007 By Texas Wahine In Blogging
My boys think ass is a very fun word to say and they try to slip it in anywhere they possibly can. Being the permissive parent that I am, I reprimand them but only really because they can't say it at school. After all, I don't really consider ass to be a "bad" word.

When I was in Texas I had the opportunity to go mall shopping with my beautiful SIL and we (ok, well, I, but hopefully we) had a great time at GAP. It's my favorite store ever and I got a few things for Little Miss Isabella and a ton of school clothes for the boys.

The woman who checked me out (ok, I know how that sounds, but I can't think of another way to word it) was a beautiful Iraqi woman dressed far too stylishly to be a GAP clerk. She was very taken with Izzy and spent several minutes playing with her and talking to her. She kept putting her fingers in Isabella's ears, which was weird to me since I know how gross the insides of her ears are, but maybe it was a cultural thing.

The clerk and I got to talking and when she learned my husband was in Iraq, she told me she would give me a little phrase to use with him, just for fun. She took out a piece of receipt paper and began writing, then stopped, smiled shyly, and said, "Oops. I wrote it in Arabic." She then wrote the word "keefak" for me and explained that it was a greeting like, "How are you?" She was very proud of what she had shared with me, as she was certain it would impress my husband.

Who it *really* impressed was my children, who were delighted to have discovered a word that wasn't "bad" that ended sounding very much like f*ck. "keeeeefaaaaaak!!" All day long. "Keefak" "Keefak" "Keefak"

Technically, this is not a bad word. But people who don't know what it means are certainly going to think the boys are saying something-f*ck.

And THIS is why my children are not allowed to learn any foreign languages.
on Aug 20, 2007
lol too funny, cute story!
on Aug 20, 2007
M. ADAM: Thanks! Glad you liked it.
on Aug 20, 2007

or you could teach them bad words in foreign languages and assume that most people wouldn't understand what they were saying. That could be an educational family project. Get a large map of the world and hang it on the kitchen wall and find out how to say ass in every country in the world.

Around here think butt is a bad word? What's wrong with saying butt? What am I supposed to call it a bobo? A tushie? I hiney? buttocks? gluteous maximus? Hey convince your boys that saying gluteous maximus is even more funny than saying ass.
on Aug 21, 2007
Those boys of yours crack me up...
on Aug 21, 2007
Sayara moofukhukha - VBIED (literally, booby-trapped car)

Before I had seen/heard it used, we had surmised that it would be mootafukhukha. The engineers that we taught the phrase to giggled every time... "Mootafukhukh! tee hee" We were using the wrong form of the word, though.

Irdaaf - buttocks

Teez - ass (the anus, probably, although all the new Arabic linguists at the Institute use it to comment about girls' rear ends; it's funny to me to think that they're saying, "She has a beautiful anus," but many Arabs I've met are very imprecise on their definitions of anatomical words that I think teez is just the "bad word" version of butt, like our "ass")
on Aug 21, 2007


I wonder what the finger in the ears thing was about.  Hmmmmm.

on Aug 21, 2007
Great story. I had an unusual incident with Sean (I think) where he thought I was insulting him in another language when I said jeje as in laughing. I am bilingual and talk to Hispanic friends and family often and jeje is the Spanish version of Hehe. But Sean though I was insulting him in Arabic I believe and he went off on me. guess that's what happens when you apply language knowledge on forums and chatrooms.

Considering that it will be very difficult to keep my kids from learning curse words and other bad words I tend to give them the not so bad version of them such as instead of son of a b_tch they can say son of a gun or instead of idiot or stupid we say ding dong. But only when I hear them saying them or if they hear it.
on Aug 30, 2007
Reminds me of a funny story I was witness to not too long ago.

My band and I were in La Maddalena, and after the gig we went to a nice Italian restaurant that specialized in seafood (and it WAS awesome, by the way.)

That night, we had, among other things, cozze, which is mussels, basically.

The tenor sax player in my band, Joey (who we call JoJo) is a young fellow from Waco, Texas. And he was loving those mussels. So my buddy Jason, practical joker that he is, said "Hey JoJo...tell the waitress you really like the cazzo. Which JoJo proceeded to do. And then watched the waitresses eyes turn as big as teapots while a red blush crept across her face. Our faces all went red, too...because we were laughing so hard. JoJo had just told the waitress "Ma'am...I just wanted you to know that I really love the cock."

I still giggle when I think about it. Poor JoJo...he misses his turnip truck, but the bruises he acquired after falling off of it are beginning to heal, and we're educating him slowly