I will never understand what makes an adult intentionally harm a child.
I understand frustration. I understand being in over your head. I understand being at the complete and total, indisputable, end of your rope. I still can't understand what would make an adult strike a child. Break her legs. Bruise his face. I just can't understand it.
I have 3 children. I am raising them alone for the time being. We have homework and Cub Scouts and family dinners and $100 camping trips. We have sass mouth and dirty rooms and "but he started it". I think I am qualified to comment on the nature of mothering.
I love my children. At times they annoy me. At times they anger me. At times they frustrate me and get under my skin like no other human being could possibly do. But I could never hurt them.
I can understand being harsher with your child then maybe is necessary. The boys didn't have school today so we picked up photos at Sears and went to GameStop and Hot Topic and Wal-Mart, and near the end of our shopping venture, the boys were not on their best behavior. At one point Orian shoved Xavier into the shampoos at Wal-Mart and I told him, "I don't feel sorry for you." It had been a long excursion and I was tired.
I have had days that seemed like they would never end. I have been embarrassed by my children. I guess maybe I don't understand how bad it can get, but I think I have an idea.
And yet I still cannot understand what makes an adult harm a child. Particularly an infant, but really, any child. Even my boys, who know my buttons and how to push them...I love them and I want them to be happy and I would never hurt them.
I just can't fathom how someone could physically injure a child, especially an infant.
It makes me sick the things that people do.