School starts back up for my boys on Wednesday, and I am determined to not make the same mistakes I did last school year. I want to be more consistent with my expectations of my children, more involved in their education, and more structured so that they succeed. I feel that I have passed some lazy habits and attitudes toward school to my children, and I want to correct that while they are still young.
It's not that I have not tried to encourage them or be involved or set boundaries previously. It's more that I lack the personal discipline to provide consistent structure and consistent expectations for them. With that in mind, I have written a rough draft contract for them (and me) to follow. I plan to make a contract for me as well so they can see that I have responsibilities they can expect from me as well.
2007-2008 School Year Contract
I will brush my teeth 2x a day: in the morning before school and before I go to bed.
I will shower ( ) or bathe daily ( ) during the week and a minimum of 1x on the weekends. I will bathe in the morning ( ) or evening ( ).
I will go to bed on time. My weeknight bedtime will be 8:45 pm. My weekend bedtime will be ________ .
I will wake up on time. My weekday wake up time will be 6:30 am.
I will prepare my backpack and clothing (including shoes) before I go to bed at night so I am not rushing around in the morning.
I will be responsible for my homework. It will be completed within 2 hours of the end of the school day.
I will be responsible for my education. I will pay attention during class and work hard to demonstrate to myself, my parents, and my teachers that I am both intelligent and interested in being the best I can be.
I will put away my supplies when my homework is completed.
I will behave in class and during lunch and recess because I am a person of value and want to demonstrate my value, discipline, and pleasant personality to myself and others.
I will spend 30 minutes reading each school day and 30 minutes reading during the weekend (or every other day during extended school breaks). I will read before I play on school days.
I will study before each test. If I need help studying I will ask my brother or a parent.
I will be responsible for making sure my yellow Wednesday folder, tests, permission slips, and other items and signed and turned in to my teacher.
Each day where all the above rules have been followed you may choose a trading card from the brown bag.
Each week where all the above rules have been followed, on Friday you may choose: a) board game night,

movie night (you pick the movie), c) a moderately priced family activity like bowling, a trip to the park, or Fun Factory or d) $5.
Great test results will be rewarded with: $1 (A or perfect score), 75 cents (B or less than 10% missed).
Lion Loot, a great note from teacher or staff, or a special comment on your behavior or academic performance will be rewarded with a) family board game,

family video game session, or c) $1.
Each day where the above rules have been broken, you will lose your privilege to watch TV and play video games until the next day.
If you receive a TCN or an office visit, you will lose TV and video game privileges for 1 week and will write a sincere letter of apology to every person you may have offended with your behavior/bad choices.
If you fail to complete a homework or school work assignment, or if you perform poorly on a test, you will lose TV and video game privileges for 3 days. You will also be responsible for completing and/or correcting the work/test.
So, what do you guys think? Is this useful? Are there changes I need to make? Ideas?