Good Mother's Day.
I got the baby to (kind of) sleep until 10 am. My mom called to wish me a HMD and didn't call at the crack of dawn and wake me up. Baby realized she can splash loudly by slamming her heels into the water in the tub, and that was very amusing. I lost 2 lbs for no apparent reason, bringing my total lost since the end of my pregnancy to 39 lbs. The boys were waiting downstairs with MD cards and Orian had made me a very sweet photo frame in class. My Moby Wrap was in the mail, and I was able to use it at Wal-Mart. We had McDonalds for lunch and I bought some cool Shrek 3 glasses. I used the gift card my MIL sent me to buy myself some new clothes and accessories. My husband called and wished me HMD. The baby did lots of cute crawling. Xavier and I played a game he bought with his allowance. It poured rain, but not until after we were home.
I didn't get to try my clothes on in the store, but they all fit. Not the most flattering clothes ever, but I got all silly and did a fashion show anyways. Xavier was the photographer for most of it:

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