For some reason my boys have started waking up way before me and Izzy and getting ready for school. I am NOT complaining. It's odd, but nice, to wake up to clean, dressed children. They can get their own breakfasts...I've seen them do it...but for some reason they just hang out until I'm up to get the cereal ready for them (yes, I know, not a nutritious breakfast, but we do the best we can).
Izzy and I usually wake up at 6:25 except fr the mornings we...gasp...don't take a bath. I know, terrible mom, terrible person, but sometimes that extra sleep is more valuable to me than clean, glossy hair and a baby-fresh baby.
So I get baby girl up and she is so snugli and sweet and smiling. I put her in the bouncer in my bathroom and I do my bath, washing my hair and shaving my legs and getting all nice and clean. Showers are more convenient, but I love a nice, hot bath. By the time I'm finished, the water has cooled off enough for the baby. I pull off her clothes and diaper and she and I get into the tub. She loves taking a bath. She squirms until I turn her around so she can kick in the water. I love that feeling of skin against skin. She's just so precious. I scrub her little baby parts and wash and rinse what little hair she has and then we get out of the tub.
So, after I am dried off and properly deodorant-ed and lotion-ed I take baby girl downstairs to get her diapered and dressed. She loves her changing table. She lays her head on the teddy bear that dynamaso and his wife sent us as a baby gift (we love it!). She always smiles so much when I change her or dress her. I always give her a little baby massage and comb her hair. Then she puts on a pretty outfit and a matching bow.
So, this morning I dressed her in a Hot Topic onesie (magenta with skulls and diaper pin cross-bones), white ribbed leggings, and a white and magenta bow. So beautiful!
I made sure the boys had all their papers and permission slips and all that in their backpacks (usually something we do the day before, but mommy has been sort of befuddled by the deployment extension news). I checked their clothes for appropriateness. I used to be really picky about matching (I actually prefer collar-ed shirts). Orian was wearing what I call casual and dressy...that's what I call it when (ok, sorry there was this hilarious commercial about wipe the windshield, elbow your brother, and flick the booger, I can't stop laughing) he wears a collar shirt with like gym shorts. Uncool. So he changed to Superman demin shorts and a "Someone in Iraq Loves Me" t-shirt, which as laid back as I am, is totally cool.
We tagged teamed the baby (that's when we high-five to indicate that Xavier or I have taken over), and I poured both boys a bowl of cereal (a rice krispies with strawberries and Lucky Charms blend since we were out of groceries) and got them hooked up for breakfast.
I came back and high-fived Xavier for Izzy. The boys ate breakfast while I fed Izzy and checked my email and myspace.
I strapped Izzy on into her Snugli front carrier (which I wouldn't have to do if Mom would make my Moby wrap, hint hint), fixed the boys hair (with $17 mohawk hair glue), and then we headed out the door. I made sure to lock it since our filthy nasty neighbors moved out and strange, untrusted people are painting and cleaning the duplex next door. I said hi to the various people I don't know but am friendly with along the way. Orian blew me kisses, which I realize he will soon be too cool/old for.
When I got home I loved on Izzy and fed her and then put her in her carseat so I could fix my hair and put on make-up. Then I grabbed all our gear and headed out the door.
First was the deployment extension town hall meeting. I got there early and got good parking and a nice seat, so that was nice. A nice lady who works for ACS and whose husband has 21 years in and is close to retirement sat next to me. She recognized me from the Cacti movie nights. I enjoyed talking to her. The briefing was informative and I appreciated that the Major officiating over it apologized unequivocally for the way the extension was announced.
Then we went to the Furniture & Liquor Store. I bought 3 different wines since alcohol is my new hobby, lol. I also got margarita mix with the alcohol mixed in. I looked at Yankee candles since that's also a hobby of mine, but none of the new ones turned me on, so I checked out.
Next we went to the commissary. Also some old guy pissed me off by driving through the crosswalk. This is a sore spot for me. And yes, I looked both ways before I crossed.
I meant to just buy cereal but I ended up spending $100. Also, it's payday, so shopping today was a bad decision on my part. I spent some time in line talking to another mom. She had a 5 month old who appeared to weigh about 50 lbs. It was freakish, but I remembered that it's rude to make comments on a baby's size, so I saved myself by saying, "Good job, Mom".
A retarded guy bagged my groceries. I don't want to seem heartless. A little retarded girl approached me just yesterday because she was fascinated by Isabella, and it was fun talking to her. But sometimes you just want someone fast and good sacking your groceries.
I had parked far from the commissary (near the F&L store), so my back hurt by the time we got to the truck. When we were in the commissary a lady called her a chunky monkey. I love that. But the lady was like 5'4" and 240 lbs, in a midriff-bearing tank top and tight denim shorts (I could even see her belly button!), so the chunky monkey comment made me laugh inside.
Ok, so I put Izzy back in her carseat, got my groceries put in the back, tipped the grocery guy, and headed home. Izzy was mostly sweet while I put away the groceries. Then S called to make sure I was able to pick up L from school today. I totally forgot, but it was no problem.
Then I nursed Izzy and she fell asleep. I started a mad dash to clean up the house so L didn't go home complaining about how nasty SGT "our last name"'s wife's house is, and managed to pump some milk to top off Izzy's Friday night bottle.
Then I had to get the kids from school. It was raining lightly and I forgot my umbrella, but it was such light rain. I picked up L first. He is only in 1st grade, but he kind of acted like a jerk when I asked him how his day was. Then I picked up my boys, who were excited to see me. As frustrating as it is to raise these big boys by myself, they are so sweet to me.
Xavier was excited because he's entered "his school name" Idol with the song "Trogdor". So cute.
I took all the kids home. And this is a really long article. Anyways after a while L's dad (who is on R&R) came to pick him up. It's the first time for me to meet him. Since it's the internet and anyone could read this maybe I will keep first impressions to myself.
Later Adrian called. He did really well on his SSG promotion board. I think SSG in 4 years is pretty good, and I am excited to f*ck a SSG. haha. He is sad and angry about missing Izzy's entire first year, but we both understand that what will be will be.
Ok, so this article is really long. My new hobby is wine tasting and learning about different kinds of wine. can you tell?
I am probably forgetting stuff, but that is all.
Happy Friday. 