I am so out of the loop when it comes to JU.
I am only vaguely aware of who is currently mad at who, I read articles and don't completely understand because I've managed to miss some key piece of backstory, and I generally just feel disconnected from my favorite website (ok, it's my 2nd favorite now, but you guys don't need to know that!).
I find plenty of time to be online. It's just that my computer time is mostly comprised of mini-surfing bits. I check JU between doing other things. I can't tell you how many times I've opened JU up to do some catching up and have gotten distracted with other responsibilities and then gotten up and gone to the computer the following morning only to find my browser still opened to the middle of an article that I didn't manage to finish reading the night before.
I can also check out JU while I'm holding or nursing the baby, but I can rarely reply to articles when I'm doing that since the typing motion bugs Izzy.
I miss the interaction of JU, and I miss staying connected with some of the friends I've met here. I wonder if I will get to where I can keep up like I used to? Obviously my children and my responsibilities come first, but I wonder if I will ever get to where I can manage my free (LOL) time well enough to stay on top of the Soap Opera-like goings-on of JoeUser?
Right now I'm writing this during Isabella's morning nap. It's a decent length nap and the boys are at school. Free time, woohoo!! But while I'm doing this, I'm neglecting the vacuuming that needs to be done, the phone calls that need to be placed, the toilet scrubbing that needs to happen, and the exercising I should be doing.
Some days I'm just lazy and I DO spend nap time on the computer, but then I feel guilty, so I'm trying to learn to fit everything in. I try to clean as I go throughout the day and workout in short 10-20 minute increments throughout the day so that I accomplish something without feeling overwhelmed.
Anyways, my point is, I miss you guys.