Isabella has been so blessed. She had a wonderful baby shower. She's received cards and emails and well wishes from people all over the globe.
As you all know, I'm a terrible procrastinator, but I wanted to post a photo of little Izzy with what is sure to be one of her favorite childhood "friends". Maso and his wife sent her the most unique and wonderful little cuddly's a flat koala bear made from sheepskin.
It has little eyes and a nose that make an adorable little koala bear face. This koala doesn't have a name yet, but Isabella loves to lay her head on it during diaper changes. It's so soft!
Here's a photo of Izzy and her "Flat Out" koala bear:
We just love it! Thank you, Mark and Toni. It's such a unique and wonderful gift. 
I also want to send out a big thank you to ForeverSerenity. Just before Christmas I received a HUGE package from Florida.
This great big box was filled with TONS of baby goodies. I couldn't believe all the adorable baby clothes FS had sent for Isabella. The box contained an entire wardrobe of clothes in different styles and sizes.
Isabella already fits in a few of the clothes, and she has so much more to grow into...jumpers, little two piece outfits (with matching headbands or hats), name it. There's one fancy dress in particular that I can't wait to dress her up in...I think it will be perfect for her 3 mo./Valentines pictures!
The box also contained a couple of really neat Mickey Mouse pencil and notebook sets for the boys. They love to write and draw and started filling up their notebooks right away.
I also really appreciated the parenting magazine. I was really touched by Donna's the thoughtfulness and generosity.
Since before Isabella's birth packages and cards have rolled in from friends from all over the place. Izzy is a lucky little girl. She even got a couple of packages from "Soldier's Angels". Lucky, lucky girl...and lucky me to have such giving, loving friends.
Mahalo to Toni and Mark and Sabrina and Simon and Rose and Chris and Joe and Donna and Kelly and Karen and Elie and Kenny and Tonya and everyone else who has taken the time to share their care and well wishes (and baby loot!) with my family.
PS - I owe you some photos of Izzy in Rose's and Donna's outfits (and Sabrina's slightly naughty t-shirt!).