Published on October 30, 2006 By Texas Wahine In Home & Family

Ok, so this is another mommy blog.  I'm a SAHM.  Being a mommy is my JOB.  So, technically, this is work-related.  Hehe.

Yesterday we had our trip with CS to the Maritime Museum in Honolulu.  Before we left, the kids were asking me about the place and where it was.  We've walked past it a million times, but somehow they didn't remember it.

So I told them it was near Hooters.  Because it is.

Back at home last night my youngest looked me in the eye and demanded to know why we didn't go to Hooters.  Apparently, he misunderstood our destination with the outing.

I told him the trip was to go to the museum.  Then I asked him if he was disappointed in me since I didn't take him to Hooters.

"No," he said in a serious tone.  "I'm disappointed in the (Cub Scouts) Den Leader for not taking us to Hooters."  

His brother followed up with, "Hooters is where fat guys go to drink beer and act stupid and look at ladies." 

How did my kids get to be so smart?  Hahahahahaha.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 01, 2006
on Nov 01, 2006
It was almost exactly (as near as I can measure while in stumbling condition) the same distance!


heh heh.....silly Butters. It's TRIX are for kids..........

?? I'm slow this morning.

If the cubscouts had of went there it would have been a major pr. for them.

Just think of all the volunteers to be den leaders! LOL

Haha! So true! Hooters has something for everyone, I suppose.

That is easily the funniest thing I've heard all week!

Glad you enjoyed it. I know I'm biased, but I swear sometimes I think I have the funniest kids on the planet.

The answer to the last question is, as always, good genetics

Such a charmer! Hehe.

FS, Angela, & LW: Thanks!
on Nov 02, 2006
How did my kids get to be so smart?

Because they take after Adrian?
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