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Oh good, the dog found the chainsaw!
Thank You Jill!
Published on May 27, 2006 By
Texas Wahine
I got the neatest package in the mail the other day, and I just have to send a great big thank you to Jill and her family.
What a thoughtful group of gifts, Jill. My boys *love* bears, and have quite a few from different places. My oldest has now decided, since he has a Michigan bear, that he's going to collect bears from around the world. Hehe. What a perfect surprise!
The Mosquito Eggs gumballs were the perfect answer to the Gecko Eggs. How fun!
We also collect postcards and refrigerator magnets, and it was so neat to be able to add to our collection. And how sweet of you to pick up a postcard and key chain when you were in Texas! Thanks so much!
I was just so tickled with everything...and the kids were so excited, too. I told them about your family and how you have two boys who are close to their ages and that Mr. Wardell makes computer games. They loved getting goodies from a neat family living in Michigan.
Your package was a really fun surprise, Jill, and I really appreciate your going to all the trouble to pick out all those thoughtful souvenirs and gifts and send them out to us. Thank you from me, Adrian, and especially the boys! If I can get my monkeys to put some clothes on in a bit (Saturday is underwear day, I guess!), I'll take a pic with them and their new constant companion...Michigan bear!
Thanks again, Jill. You're a gem.
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What You Can Get for the Price of a Pizza
on May 27, 2006
I LOVE sending packages to people, especially when they aren't expecting them. If I had unlimited funds, I'd send everyone I know a package at least once a month.
Snail mail rules.
It is so awesome to see friendships develop here at JU. I think it is one of the things that makes JU so special. Besides of course the fact I blog here.
on May 27, 2006
It is so awesome to see friendships develop here at JU. I think it is one of the things that makes JU so special. Besides of course the fact I blog here.
I am seeing that more and more here. It is special.
Let me know when you want a Washington bear.
on May 28, 2006
You guys are so very welcome! I'm glad the boys like the bear. My boys love that sort of stuff but some boys think it's babyish. You just never know.
I thought of you when we were in TX so felt the need to pick up a little something. The gecko eggs definitely inspired the mosquito eggs.
I have Ashley's Hawaiian outfit you sent hanging in her room with the hula girl doll on the shelf right above it. I keep meaning to take a picture for you.
I'm so glad you are feeling better and can't wait to hear if you are having a boy or girl!
on May 29, 2006
Packages in the mail are so cool, as are hand written letters. I haven't recieved a letter like that for years. Postcards, sure, but not letters.
Hey, Tex, I'd like to send the boys a koala (I know its not strictly a bear but it is the closet animal we have). I'll do a swap; a bear for a hula girl to put on the dashboard of our car.
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