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Oh good, the dog found the chainsaw!
I'm The Jerk
Published on December 22, 2005 By
Texas Wahine
I'm the Grinch. The Scrooge. The Christmas Jerk.
We have an abundance of gifts this year. We bought the children about 9 presents each back in November. Since then we've added nearly as many, piece by piece. Then the in-laws sent money which we used to buy gifts for the children. Finally, earlier this week we received 4 or 5 HUGE boxes full of presents from my parents. I didn't count them all, but I'd say it's a safe bet to assume that each child and adult in our family received between 8 and 10 gifts each. My mom wrapped them all up and shipped them, and I stacked them under the tree.
It looks like this (and that's AFTER opening 3 adult presents at various points during the month):
There are wrapped gifts all around the tree and then a larger explosion of packages right at the front.
Today Adrian suggested (in front of the boys!) that we let them each open a present a day leading up to Christmas. They were excited about the idea. I can remember being allowed to do this as a child, and it was almost a tradition in my family.
I really like Christmas. The anticipation is the most wonderful feeling in the world. I like to extend it as long as possible. And unwrapping gifts on Christmas morning is spectacular. I want to draw it out for as long as I possibly can. We take turns opening packages...we don't tear into them or each unwrap our gifts at the same time. I like to savor the expression on my children's faces as they open each and every gift.
So I said no. I said we should wait until Christmas morning. I'm the jerk now. I know it's harmless to let them open gifts before Christmas and I know that I have a selfish reason for making them wait, but I can't seem to maneuver around my bias. I want Christmas morning to last a loooong time.
So today Daddy's the cool one, and I'm the miserly jerk. Luckily for me though, the kids know better than to grumble. Adrian told them to thank me (sarcastically) for not letting them open up gifts today. Hehe. And they thanked me...sincerely and sweetly.
I may be a jerk, but they're little treasures.
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Comments (Page 2)
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Texas Wahine
on Dec 23, 2005
Guess you never saw the movie The Jerk.
Nope. Hehe. That's why your comment struck me as bizarrely random, hahahhahaa. I'll have to rent that one next time we go to Blockbuster.
Well if ya ask me... Adrian's comment ("Thank your mother for not letting you open gifts today") gets HIM the jerk of the day award. I know he's not a jerk... but dang. I think I'd have smacked him for that.
Hahahahahahhaa. We're both jerks, lol. It's our way. Our house is filled with sarcasm and playful teasing. Hehe.
If we get something in the mail before Christmas from someone outside the family (or presents from the kids' teachers at school) we let them open it when it's received.
I try to find out if the gift giver wants them to open it right away...this year my parents sent A LOT of wrapped gifts (they miss the kids!) and they wanted to have the boys open them on Christmas morning.
I think that's a fair plan, though.
I guess I'm a grinch too. At least I'm in good company!!
Hey, my kids love the Grinch! Hahahaha.
YOu are not the jerk! I hate opening presents early! I like th emagic and the buildup like you! I guess we just came from different eras.
Sorry, none of mine get opened early either!
I'm glad to find some solidarity. They'll appreciate it on Christmas morning!
That's okay. It just prolongs the anticipation. It's like an orgasm that you know is coming but that takes a while....when it does hit you, it's a knee trembling experience.
Hehe....can you tell my husband came home yesterday? All I can think about is nookie......
Hahahhahaa. Nice little analogy. Glad your hubby made it home safely!
I let my kids open one on Christmas Eve, usually because they are so excited if I don't they will focus all that excited energy on me and whew I am just too tired by Christmas Eve for that
Hahahaha. Good plan. I think what we're going to do is let them open one gift on XMAS eve that might be overlooked on Christmas morning.
I don't know how you get your kids to wait while someone else in the family opens a gift...hehe...my youngest tries to open all of them!
Hehe. Well, mine are 5 and 8, so they KNOW better! Hahaha.
My husband and I have not bought official Christmas gifts for each other in years. We don't open anything Christmas morning. Crazy things is, I don't feel like it matters or I'm missing out. I truly am gifted watching my kids faces. Besides I spend the rest of the year getting exactly what I want!
I know exactly what you mean. The VERY best thing is seeing their excitement (and playing with their toys! There are a few I can't wait to get my hands on!).
It's fun, too, though, to buy gifts for your spouse. I can understand skipping that, though.
Have A Merry Christmas Tex.
Same to you, Tova!
I am totally on your side! I love the anticipation! That's the best part. I mean, the gifts are great of course, but it is the anticipation and suprise that makes it magic!
Absolutely! Haha.
However, I can see the other side, with so many presents, its true that kids just move from one to the next. So....I'm glad I don't have to make that decision yet since I don't have kids.
We open one gift at a time, and let them take time to examine it and play with it for a minute or two before moving on, but some things do get overlooked in the shuffle!
Only one year were we allowed to open a present early, on Christmas eve, we all got new pillows! Fun, fun!
That's perfect! Adrian has a gift he's letting me open on Christmas Eve. I was looking the other day for an outfit to wear for Christmas morning and he told me no and alluded to the contents of my XMAS eve gift. I think I'm getting new jammies!
Hey sis, it's okay to be the jerk, I agree with what you did.
Thanks! I figured you would!
I say that mainly because I remember a Christmas when we convinced mom and dad to let us open all our presents early and then on Christmas day we had fruit on the try. Now, I'm not saying fruit isn't a wonderful (and delicious) gift, but it kind of took some of the magic away, like you said, it's the anticipation that is so wonderful!
Haha. I've been thinking about that.
Remember, back in Midland we got to open our gifts like 3 days early...and then mom and dad bought new gifts and we got TWO Christmases?
Hehe. I think we expected the same thing to happen when we convinced them to let us open them early again. Unfortunately...fruit. We got fruit for Christmas. THAT was a disappointment!
That said, you're doing the right thing. The anticipation makes it better. But if you really want to mess with them.....let them open one present on Christmas Eve.....and then make sure it's socks or underwear or fruit. It drives them crazy every time.
Hahahhahaa. I think the underwear idea is brilliant! And they always need undies!
Frankly I'm with you. I hate the idea of opening presents early to me the anticipation is everything. It'll teach them patience and the idea that waiting can make something twice as good.
Ahhhh...thanks! Hehe. Nice to know I'm not the only one who looks at it this way. And the waiting really DOES make it so much sweeter!
Besides boys who open Christmas presents early end up being premature ejaculators later in life......100% FACT!
Hahahaha...I knew I could count on you for that! Nice.
I'd consider letting them open ONE present on Christmas Eve, but not one a day starting days in advance. Later on, when they're teenagers or so, they might not be getting 16 presents apiece.
Exactly...they are wanting video games and more expensive stuff more and more, and so Christmas is definitely going to get smaller as the years go on. It's better not to start that tradition.
I don't think TW's wrong for making the family wait, though I too am not the most patient individual and kind of hate wating too.
But doesn't it make for the BEST feeling? That delicious anticipation? Don't you love it?
Having to wait may not be fun, but when you do hit the end of the stack on Christmas morning you always feel bad that there isn't just one more present to un-wrap. It all ends so quickly anyway, making it stretch out just a little longer isn't a bad idea.
That's it exactly. Christmas morning always goes by far too quickly. And they won't be little and excited forever...I just want to draw it out!
on Dec 25, 2005
Hey, wait, I think I see
under the tree! Hmmm...did someone get a stripper for Christmas!?!? he he he
on Dec 27, 2005
Hey Tex, I'm totally on your side on this one. I love the anticipation, seeing the pile grow larger and larger as the day draws near. There is nothing like it.
BTW, we got your card. Thanks so much. Toni said to say the boys look absolutely adorable, but that may be because she doesn't know them
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day.
Texas Wahine
on Dec 27, 2005
Hey, wait, I think I see somebody under the tree! Hmmm...did someone get a stripper for Christmas!?!? he he he
Huh? Hahaha.
Hey Tex, I'm totally on your side on this one. I love the anticipation, seeing the pile grow larger and larger as the day draws near. There is nothing like it.
Thanks. Hehe. I really enjoy that build up. We did go ahead and let the boys open one gift on Christmas Eve, but all the rest were saved for Christmas morning...it took an hour and a half to open all the gifts! Ahhh...bliss!
BTW, we got your card. Thanks so much. Toni said to say the boys look absolutely adorable, but that may be because she doesn't know the
I'm glad it got there! Tell Toni I said thanks!
They are mischievous little guys!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day.
We sure did. I hope yours was fantastic as well.
(PS - I don't remember if I told you this, but your card was a BIG hit, hehe. Even Adrian was impressed with it!)
on Dec 28, 2005
Tex, our Christmas, as you read, was pretty quiet. Good, but quiet. As for the card, you did tell me the family was impressed but I'm pleased to hear it is still making some impact. I'll send the boys another one soon, but don't tell 'em. It'll be our little secret, 'kay?
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