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Oh good, the dog found the chainsaw!
Why Children Need Constant Supervision
Published on December 5, 2005 By
Texas Wahine
Home & Family
My youngest is home from school today, sick with a fever and a yucky nose. He felt rotten this morning, but is feeling nice and spunky now. He's been all over the house and played with and relocated everything that's not been nailed down (and consumed an alarming amount of apples and bananas).
Little monkey.
I've been busy with a lot of chores, and absent-mindedly put a pair of scissors away in the kids' crayon bucket. The kids are allowed to use scissors, but they have to ask, so the crayon bucket was not the best place for the scissors.
My youngest has a bit of flair with scissors. He does fine on his school work, but he's placed some holes and slits in unneeded places in the past, including a pair of nice shorts that he decided to give an extra bit of ventilation (Mariah Carey-esque thigh high slits up the sides!).
Anyways, the scissors were in the crayon bucket on the dining room table. Adrian was home for lunch. All three of us were snuggling in the living room, talking. Adrian and I began discussing Orian's next much-needed hair cut. Distracted by conversation, we didn't notice that Orian had wandered off.
A few minutes (like three!) later Orian comes back in the living room and begins doing gymnastics on the couch. He looked strange to me. I told Adrian to look at him. Yeah, something was definitely different about him.
A close inspection revealed...
Yup. A haircut. This isn't the first time he's taken his personal grooming into his own hands, but I thought for sure that he had outgrown that. Apparently not.
Adrian can't find the clippers, so Orian be wearing a hat until we can get to the store and buy a new pair. Interestingly enough, though, he feels like his hair looks really good.
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Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
on Dec 07, 2005
Wait till he starts experimenting on the dog....
And you def better post those pictures!
on Dec 07, 2005
Wait till he starts experimenting on the dog....
My MIL bought the kids art kits for easter one year, complete with paper scissors. They didn't cut their own hair this time, oh no...they gave the cat a trim. She had no whiskers to speak of for a couple of weeks, her eyebrows were gone as well, and she had clumps of fur missing from her tail.
She wasn't a happy camper.
Dave said the same thing about the cornrows.
Apparently I cut my own hair when I was small too. Oh, and I took off half an eyebrow once. I was looking at my dad's razor, trying to figure out how it worked. I tried it on my arm and couldn't see that any hair had come off, so I looked for another place that had hair...saw my eyebrow, and tried the razor out on that.
It worked.
Texas Wahine
on Dec 07, 2005
Hey, given some of the hair styles around, I don't think he looks too bad. I agree with Jilluser - great blackmail material for when he is a young man. Thanks for the laugh...
Haha. I have seen crazier hair! And while this is good blackmail material, the best is the picture of him on the potty with his beloved Power Rangers scooter parked right next to him! That one's a keeper!
Glad you enjoyed it.
Tell Orian I think it looks cool. I think he makes it work.
Hehe. To quote Paula Abdul, "he made it his own"...hahaha
Little Whip:
Wait till he starts experimenting on the dog....
He absolutely LOVES dogs! He's been asking for one constantly (and the answer is "no" after our failed attempt to make Chaos a part of our family), and has instead gotten a mechanical dog (which does some really cool stuff) and a stuffed puppy he made himself at Hanai Bear (Hawaiian equivalent of Build a Bear Workshop).
Perhaps I should keep a close eye on those two items in case he decides to practice his magic some more. Hehe.
And you def better post those pictures!
Hehe. No dog deserves that!
She had no whiskers to speak of for a couple of weeks, her eyebrows were gone as well, and she had clumps of fur missing from her tail.
She wasn't a happy camper.
Awww...that's adorable (in a twisted sort of way!).
Dave said the same thing about the cornrows.
That's where I got the thought from, but didn't realize it! Haha. You mentioned that in your email, and I remembered it but couldn't find that comment on here, so I thought, "hmm...that must have been my original thought"...hahahahhahahahaaha
I'm not blonde, I promise!
Oh, and I took off half an eyebrow once. I was looking at my dad's razor, trying to figure out how it worked. I tried it on my arm and couldn't see that any hair had come off, so I looked for another place that had hair...saw my eyebrow, and tried the razor out on that.
It worked.
That's bad! Haha. Hair can be shaved down (although not so pleasantly for girls)...but a missing eyebrow? Hahahahaa...that one's going to stick out for a while!
on Dec 07, 2005
Hey sis, first of all, tell him he looks great!
A classic! The second pick looks so much like dad (in the face, not the hair!)
Hope all is well!
Texas Wahine
on Dec 07, 2005
Hey sis, first of all, tell him he looks great!
Hehe. He's bald now. I oughta post a pic of him with his new haircut.
The second pick looks so much like dad (in the face, not the hair!)
I hadn't thought of that, but now that you mention it...I do see that!
Hope all is well!
Well, we're all sick (Orian's home sick again...fever and cough...he is really mad that he didn't get to go to school!...and Xavier and Adrian are fighting the same thing. I've got a bladder infection.
), but other than that we're great.
I got you guys' email, and you're in my thoughts. It sucks that they've kept stringing you guys along for so long without telling you anything.
on Dec 07, 2005
the best is the picture of him on the potty with his beloved Power Rangers scooter parked right next to him!
Hahahaha... You reminded me of a photo my parents have used to embarrass me in the past. It is me, in my Sunday finest, on the potty clutching a plastic Easter bunny full of chocolates. Mum used to tell everyone I'd scream if anyone came near the bunny. I don't believe it, of course. Mothers are prone to exaggeration, as I'm sure your sons will tell you when they're older.
Texas Wahine
on Dec 07, 2005
You reminded me of a photo my parents have used to embarrass me in the past. It is me, in my Sunday finest, on the potty clutching a plastic Easter bunny full of chocolates.
Hahahahaha. That's adorable!
I don't believe it, of course. Mothers are prone to exaggeration, as I'm sure your sons will tell you when they're older.
Hehe. Exaggerated stories are the best kind! (Although somehow I believe you really did scream when anyone came near your bunny!) Haha.
on Dec 07, 2005
You will keep these photos and show his future wife, won't you?
on Dec 08, 2005
somehow I believe you really did scream when anyone came near your bunny
Yeah, see this is exactly what a mother would say
Texas Wahine
on Dec 08, 2005
You will keep these photos and show his future wife, won't you?
Haha. Well...maybe only to embarrass him in front of the girlfriends I don't like! Muahahahahahahaha.
Yeah, see this is exactly what a mother would say
Haha. I'm not cool anymore. I'm totally a mom. Hahahahaha.
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