Published on December 14, 2004 By Texas Wahine In Home & Family
Stop screaming!

Stop fighting!

Clean your room!

I'm going to put you in the corner!

Stop teasing your brother!

I can't take the yelling anymore!

Stop it, now!


Save me, Jebus.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 14, 2004
Why don't you just lock them in a small closet, and neglect to feed them until they promise they'll be better? Oh, that's illegal...
on Dec 14, 2004
ha ha ha

If I thought I could get away with it, I just might do it. Unfortunately, I think they might tell on me.

on Dec 14, 2004
Geesh, I hear you! Trust me, I can empathize. Sometimes bedtime just can't come soon enough.
on Dec 14, 2004
BlueDev: Gaaaah . . . you do understand, don't you?
on Dec 14, 2004
I suggest this: set all the clocks in the house ahead an hour, then fool the kids into thinking it is bedtime--a full 60 minutes early!
on Dec 14, 2004
Tonight, that is. I don't think you can trick them into heading to bed when it is only, what, 5:40 there?
on Dec 14, 2004
But if you put them to bed too much earlier then you know you are shooting yourself in the morning, as they end up getting up at, oh, say 4:30 am. True freaking story. I learned my lesson.
on Dec 14, 2004
They're too smart to fall for that . . . gotta figure out something more devious.
on Dec 14, 2004
Mmmmh, how about they enroll in some tennis training in the afternoon. They just come back exhausted after that
on Dec 14, 2004
Bedtime for the kids is my peace time. I totally hear ya, Tex. We had to actually institute a temporary rule for Rachel tonight. She was not allowed to speak to her brother, Joshua, for any reason. She was being so mean, so we thought we would show her what it would be like to not have an older brother. Don't think she liked it much.

Whenever bedtime gets close, I always tell Zombie, "I am done playing with those three toys. I want to put them back on the shelf until tomorrow."

I feel for you.....May bed time come soon!
on Dec 15, 2004
Mmmmh, how about they enroll in some tennis training in the afternoon. They just come back exhausted after that

*rubs chin* There's an idea.

We had to actually institute a temporary rule for Rachel tonight. She was not allowed to speak to her brother, Joshua, for any reason. She was being so mean, so we thought we would show her what it would be like to not have an older brother. Don't think she liked it much.

That's a really good idea. I have that same problem -- my oldest is always taunting his little brother and being very mean to him.

Whenever bedtime gets close, I always tell Zombie, "I am done playing with those three toys. I want to put them back on the shelf until tomorrow."

he he he

I feel for you.....May bed time come soon!

AH, yes, please God.
on Dec 15, 2004
Try turning all the clocks in the house back 2 hours...(close to evening) so bedtime will come much earlier
on Dec 15, 2004
Try turning all the clocks in the house back 2 hours...(close to evening) so bedtime will come much earlier

It's a good plan, but my kids are old enough to sense that it's not bedtime (plus they know what times their shows come on ha ha ha).
on Dec 15, 2004
(plus they know what times their shows come on ha ha ha).

doesn't that bite the big one!
on Dec 15, 2004
I don't know where parents find the patience....god bless 'em. I know I wouldn't have the patience!
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