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No Sympathy for Skinny Chicks
Published on November 27, 2004 By
Texas Wahine
I have no sympathy for the skinny chicks.
Anytime anyone talks about, or writes an article about, the need for body acceptance for curvy girls, inevitably a naturally thin chick will pipe up with, "I can't help it if I'm skinny. You guys are always cutting down skinny girls, but I'd be in trouble if I called a big girl a cow."
NEWS FLASH SKINNY GIRLS: You have not been persecuted. You are idolized. You see your image on TV, in magazines, in movies, on mannequins, in catalogs, on billboards. You get society's collective stamp of approval.
Guess who the super low rise jeans that require a thorough bikini wax were made for?
Guess who the bikinis that are nothing but tiny triangles and strings are made for?
Guess who the tiny logo T-shirts are made for?
Guess who thongs and miniskirts and spaghetti strap tops are made for?
That's right, girlfriend . . . you.
I think you can take a tiny bit of flack from your curvy sisters considering the fact that entire world seems to revolve around your concave belly and protruding hip bones.
You're the sexy swimsuit screen saver. You're the lingerie model. You're the waitress who gets the good tips. You're the the Cingular phone commercial girl, the Coors commercial girl, the Old Navy commercial girl, and the Clarinex commercial girl.
You are accepted. You are adored. According to the entire Western world, you are the epitome of beauty and femininity.
So what if the curvy girls look at you with disdain when you consume an entire skillet of fajitas. So what if we whisper to our husbands or boyfriends, "Wow. She's too skinny, don't you think?" So what if the average sized girls get together on a blog or at a table and discuss what they like about themselves and try to help each other learn to love their not so cookie cutter bodies?
Why do you care? Get over yourself. You're not the one being made to feel unworthy and unattractive. If you have to endure a dirty look or a little whisper every now and then, so what. The consolation prize is that you are the center of the universe and you can walk into any store in the country and pick out any outfit in it and walk out looking damn hot.
Stop whining.
*This blog inspired by recent skinny girl bitching on
"What's with the skinny, anorexic looking chicks?" thread.*
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Comments (Page 2)
4 Pages
on Nov 27, 2004
Slender girls do have it much easier than heavier girls, but heavier girls who make jokes about the weight of slender girls are no better than the people who make jokes about heavier girls. It's like racism. Sure, black people have had it worse than white people, but that doesn't justify racism against white people.
on Nov 27, 2004
There is much wisdom in your statements.....
Texas Wahine
on Nov 27, 2004
My wife has a small frame and is only 5'2", a size 10 for her is pretty big, in fact by medical standards it's obese. Her target weight is supposed to be 115 though she looks her best at 120-125. That's also the weight at which her medical problems ease up, when she weight much more than that she has to take higher doses of her meds.
OK, I can go with that. A size ten is a lot bigger on a shorty.
I think that our society has really weird standards as to what women "should" look like. But I think that a lot of the time we as women buy into it. We believe it too. Even the so-called skinny girls feel the pressure to be even thinner. It boggles my mind sometimes.
You are so right. We are part of the problem -- we torture ourselves.
Thank you for writing such an insightful post.
Thanks for the praise.
I keep wondering why we keep buying this tripe. I keep hearing stories of women whom have dieted to the point where it messes up their menstrual cycles, or worse yet prevent them from ever bearing children.
That's a good question -- we buy the stuff, and thus tell the companies that we are OK with those images.
Most of the guys I know don't find that look attractive at all. JC the high maintainance image they present is enough to scare them off alone. I wonder what would happen if we stopped buying the clothes and the magazines and the beauty treatments and diet supplements that perpetuate the illusion that we want women to look like that?
I think in general guys are interested in T&A, which is much more easily found on a bit curvier girl, but I also think that the media is trying to convince men (and women) that the new ideal is what should be considered attractive. Brain washing of sorts. There's no denying, though, that everyone has their own personal tastes . . . we women ought to only concern ourselves with being the best us -- not the best Gisele -- that we can be . . .big girls, small girls, and everything in between!
The funny thing is, and you can ask any woman about this, they don't make bikinis for DDs. You have to be fairly flat chested to be able to successfully wear a bikini.
Most guys find skinny chicks, fat chicks, DD or a training bra, and anything in between up to and including mannequins that'll fit in a skirt, at least interesting enough to consider it. Trust me, you don't have to work that hard, if you're breathing the guys are probably interested, and if you're not, you still can probably find a date.
Now there's some honesty! He he he . . .
I prefer my women somewhat thin, but not Calista "scary skeleton person" Flockhart thin. I like a decent amount of meat on their bones, and by meat, I mean meat, not other jiggly substances, and at least enough fat to bear children and have breasts, not pointy pecs.
I don't think those are unrealistic expectations.
I know men don't have to jump through the same hoops as far, but I run a lot to stay thin, and work out so I don't become one of those starved greyhound looking runners.
It's good that you're working on being healthy, but I'll bet LadyCleve is just as happy with you being chunky as she is with you being muscular and fit.
See, that's the thing that gets me...the guys who are being judgemental and not very nice about bigger girls aren't exactly prize winners thamselves. I'd guess about 70% of them (that I've seen doing it) either have beer guts, are overweight, balding with a comb-over, bad breath, BO, fart and scratch their nuts in public...or if you're really unlucky, all of the above. I'm listening to their conversations, thinking 'who the fuck are you to talk, dude? Taken a look in the mirror lately? Cos you aint no beauty queen yourself...'
You get an insightful for that one! Don't be telling us we don't look good in our tank tops when your butt crack has its own zip code, dude!
There are magazines like GQ and Mens Health, sure...but compare the amount of crap women get bombarded with daily to the amount men are subjected to.....there's just no comparison.
You are completely right -- and I attribute that largely to the fact that we women are far less hung up on appearances and are willing to look past a bad body to see the loveable man inside.
Slender girls do have it much easier than heavier girls, but heavier girls who make jokes about the weight of slender girls are no better than the people who make jokes about heavier girls. It's like racism. Sure, black people have had it worse than white people, but that doesn't justify racism against white people.
Do you really hear of that happening very often? It's generally the other way around.
There is much wisdom in your statements.....
I don't know what planet you guys live on, but it's not the skinny girls being made fun of and slammed all the time.
on Nov 27, 2004
Do you really hear of that happening very often? It's generally the other way around.
People do sometimes call slender girls anorexic and other names though. Overweight people are definitely ridiculed more often, but that does not justify the attacks on the slenderer. Neither group deserves it.
Texas Wahine
on Nov 27, 2004
People do sometimes call slender girls anorexic and other names though. Overweight people are definitely ridiculed more often, but that does not justify the attacks on the slenderer. Neither group deserves it.
OK, I can go with that.
on Nov 27, 2004
You are completely right -- and I attribute that largely to the fact that we women are far less hung up on appearances and are willing to look past a bad body to see the loveable man inside.
Tex, there is the real comment with wisdom in it!
on Nov 27, 2004
Tex...I have this to say:
Amen to the shapely bottoms, bosoms, and the occasional fat roll.
on Nov 27, 2004
As an unattractive, but intelligent guy, I can honestly say this: skinny chicks are the most hurtful beings on this planet. In onther words, I loved your article Tex!
on Nov 28, 2004
As an unattractive, but intelligent guy, I can honestly say this: skinny chicks are the most hurtful beings on this planet. In onther words, I loved your article Tex!
How are they hurtful?
on Nov 28, 2004
well, you know, laughing at the thought of dating you, insulting you, other such things. Its not a general assessment, just most experiences ive had
on Nov 28, 2004
Don't be telling us we don't look good in our tank tops when your butt crack has its own zip code, dude!
Yeah, ugh. Sometimes I just want to spackle those bad boys shut!
The funny thing is, and you can ask any woman about this, they don't make bikinis for DDs.
Well, it all depends on the amount of boob covered...
Give me a nice round butt and hips that will birth a nation and I'm a happy boy.
-- B
on Nov 28, 2004
In my opinion, when it comes down to it, women are conditioned to be too competitive. What's funny is that, although I will be the first person bemoaning the surrounding culture that has only saved artifacts worshipping a man's genitals, women don't just look at one defining body part--we look at EVERYTHING. Although I consider myself to be more secure than most women when it comes to my body/looks, I'll occasionally flip through beauty magazines in curiousity ("hey, I'm above this, but I'm going to skim this with a sociological perspective"), fascination (stares at individual characteristics of models and objectively notes the brillance of the soothing post-valley-girl vernacular and the smugness of articles supposedly encouraging an appreciation of individuality, ie, giving you a list of bathing suits that hide your individual "flaws"), increduousness ("what kind of sheep do they think I am?" , IMMEDIATELY followed by disgust ("oh my god, in the half second that I chuckled at how ridiculous this is, I stole a glance at EVERY other woman in the magazine section!")
In reality, men aren't as picky as women. They'll be happy if any woman is clearly interested in them. People (regardless of gender) are drawn to those who have a lot of self-confidence (and in my opinion, increases the ever-elusive and changing "beauty" 100x)-- most women just don't have enough confidence. Images that chip away at your confidence have the same philosophy as boot camp- they tear you down, only to build you up again with close ties to what they represent.
(No matter how you look, if your doctor says that you're healthy, then be happy and at least try to laugh once a day at all the images that the all-consuming, consumer-savvy, billion dollar markets are trying to hurl your way. Unfortunately, not enough women realize how pettiness is a profit, and perpetuate this damn cycle of feelings of shame. It gives them a false sense of entitlement which serves to bring others down to lift themselves up.
No one's perfect; anyone criticizing or taking criticism about their bodies personally is an example. Being different from the supposed cookie-cutter "standard" body is not .
Spc Nobody Special
on Nov 28, 2004
although I will be the first person bemoaning the surrounding culture that has only saved artifacts worshipping a man's genitals
come on, be fair now. Of course we have the washington monument, cleopatra's needle, the space shuttle, electric car antennas, skyscrapers, etc., but it's not all phallic symbols out there. What about the women? They have the grand canyon, the mcdonald's "golden arches", bikini mud flaps, and so on. Tell me you didn't giggle when you where a kid every time you heard the name "Twin Peaks."
they don't make bikinis for DDs. You have to be fairly flat chested to be able to successfully wear a bikini.
I know, 's them not being successful at it that causes all the fun..........
on Nov 28, 2004
Ooh, I gotta hide this from my wife! She's her heaveist she's ever been now (she's 45) @ 105 lbs! She's been the object of jealous attacks all her life, and now at 45 she has decided she's tired of it and has started retaliating with her own smart-assedness when someone is rude to her about her size. I never have understood how people can go up to someone and say "Gee, your skinny," or "My God! you've gained weight!" I don't get it...
alison watkins
on Nov 28, 2004
AMEN SISTER! This article is the best thing I've ever read on JU.... It's all SO TRUE! Trust me...the low rise hip hugging pants were not made for someone who's 5`2 and 120 lbs....
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