thanks for giving us a window into your world.
How's the toddler bed working out with Izzy???
I have all the parts to make our conversion but I'm not sure I trust them to roam free yet. I have a sneaking suspicion that PJ will be making some sort of parkour style assault on the book shelf if he can get out of his bed.
Because you love pictures and I haven't updated in a while ...
Sometimes animals escape, but that doesn't mean you can't still steep with them.
I love the pictures....
Wow, you weren't kidding, the curtains are too short...that's one tall room. Your mom can fix it when she visits, at least now the window is covered.
Izzy's room is gorgeous. What a lucky little girl.
It's so creative.
Everything looks great. I love the color of your bedroom...
You have style Tex.
JJ..that pic is soo cute.
I'll let you know when I wake up. They are wearing me out. They are good sleepers but it seems like we go through one week out of the month that we have problems. They usually go down with no more than a whinper at about 7 pm and don't wake up until 6-7 am. On a bad week though we usually have one or two that don't want to sleep and I can't make them stay in the room and CIO.