Published on July 5, 2006 By Texas Wahine In Misc

Apparently this would be the safest choice for pregnant women.

I'm a big fan of safety and minimizing risks.  Particularly when the risks involve children or potential children.


No caffeine.

No deli meat or hot dogs.

No alcohol.

No artificial sweeteners.

No sushi.

No soft cheeses.

No smoked meats.

No sprouts.

No unripe papaya.

No Caesar salad.

No tuna or other high mercury fish.

No peanuts.

No Chinese food (MSG).

No shrimp cocktail.

Don't eat too many refined carbs.

Don't go too crazy with the fruit juice.

Avoid salt.

Gain weight, but NOT TOO MUCH!


Don't get a sunburn!

Be cautious about OTC meds!

Get calcium, but DON'T drink full fat milk!

Don't lay on your back!

Don't lay on your tummy!

(And this is NOT a comprehensive rant...there's MUCH more)

Who can live up to these expectations? 

Yes, I ate a king size MilkyWay.  Yes, I eat sushi sometimes, and not just the cooked kind.  Yes, I take Tylenol Allergy Sinus when my head hurts.  Yes, I FREAKING LOVE grape juice.  And YES, I did take a tiny sip of my husband's beer the other night!

I'm a flawed human being!   



Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 06, 2006
I get weird looks and sometimes even a comment when I have a cup of coffee. People have gone out of their minds about this stuff!

Isn't it crappy how judgmental people are about pregnant women? We eat and live healthier than our predecessors, but we're STILL not good enough!

I'm certain Ashley will be born a chocoholic

As all women should be! Hehe.

Hmm, nutrient paste, aaaarrrggglllaaargg...

It must be tough, having everyone else tell you what's good for you. I say f#%k 'em. So long as you're not overdoing anything, you'll be fine, I'm sure.

That's exactly the way I see it. Moderation and common sense. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm not human! I have needs! Hahaha.

Now, can you forward me your address again so I can sen you something?

Will do!
on Jul 06, 2006
I have needs!

...Now pass me the chocolate
on Jul 06, 2006
I agree with Whip! Eat whatever you want within reason of course! The times I was pregnant I had fun with my food....I didn't over indulge but I didn't let anyone or anything stop me from eating what I wanted!
on Jul 06, 2006
I forgot to mention the "No hot baths" rule!

During one of Amy's pregnancies, we rented a whirlpool suite at a hotel because her back was hurting and we knew she'd get kicked out of the whirpool in the pool area. Plus, we were able to adjust the water temp on the whirlpool in the room.

It's amazing how children managed to be born without all this advice for thousands of years, huh?
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