This pregnancy has been so different from the other two, and I feel like I'm spending a lot more time worrying than I did with the first two pregnancies.
The other day Adrian and I were talking and we actually remembered the date of my last period. It was Feb. 11th, not Feb. 15th as we had guessed at. This means I am 6 and a half weeks pregnant (gestational age), or currently in my 7th week. It's still so early.
I haven't had the "typical" symptoms of pregnancy. I was initially very fatigued, but I was also sick then. I haven't had any morning sickness. Every so often I'll get a little twinge of very faint nausea, but it's barely perceptible. With Xavier, I was constantly throwing up (I threw up water!) and with Orian I only threw up once, but always felt sick (lost 8 lbs. at the beginning of the pregnancy because of it). Some days my breasts feel a little tender, but that's about it.
Speaking of breasts, I think that's the only sign so far...they're huge...bubbling out of my bras!
This lack of symptoms has me worried.
I got out my pregnancy organizer from when I was pregnant with Orian (wow! I kept a really detailed account of *everything*) and my morning sickness started at 6 weeks with him. I don't remember when it started with Xavier because I was 2 months before I found out I was pregnant with him.
I've been reading a lot of anecdotal stuff, and many women have said that they didn't have symptoms or the symptoms suddenly stopped and they miscarried. I am so worried about miscarriage.
The other major concern I have is cramping. All along, like every 2 or 3 days, I'll have mild cramping. It's like menstrual cramps, but very, very faint. Not really painful, just the sensation of cramping. I've noticed that it typically happens when I've been very active or haven't been drinking as much water. I haven't had any bleeding at all, which is comforting, but the cramping bothers me. I never had anything like that with my other pregnancies.
I have an OB registration appointment on Tuesday, but I think that's mostly a paperwork appointment (it's not with my doctor, but with a nurse that is the "hub" for gyno and OB stuff). I don't have an OB appointment yet, and I think I'll have to do registration before I have one...and then the appointment may be several weeks from now. It looks like my first appointment with Orian was at 8 weeks. The nurse told me that at my first appointment (which he said was a ways off) we might be able to hear the heartbeat.
I've read that once you hear the heartbeat the risk of miscarriage goes down to like 5%.
At my regular doctor's appointment last Friday I had a urine pregnancy test, and it was positive, but I would have liked a quantitative blood test. I want to know that the HCG levels are normal. I'd really like some sort of reassurance that everything is ok. I don't want to bother my doctor, so I haven't called and asked to be seen, but I can't stop worrying.
It sounds wrong, but I think I'd be happy to be throwing up. At least that way I'd know everything's ok.